Roxy vs campers

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It was the day after what Roxy did to Max she she said she will make all their lives a living hell hole and she made sure of it.

Everyone was doing camp activity's first off was theater camp Preston was showing off his one man play he wrote he was starting, but once he got to act 2 all 3 sacks came flying off the theater Preston looked up and got hit by one on the face his eye sight got blurry he couldn't see much, but he was sure that he saw Roxy and it wasn't a mystery that those sacks came off by themselves more like someone cut them off on purpose Preston saw Roxy with a knife on her hand Preston was shock he wanted to tell David and Gwen, but she saw Roxy putting her finger throw her neck like if you tell you will die Preston was terrified so he said nothing to them and so she made it hard for them to get through their camp activity's

Ered was going to do an amazing trick with her skateboard, but once she skate her wheels on her skateboard came off and fall off of her skateboard Roxy was next to the obstacle course with a tool box next to her on the grass and kicked it inside the obstacle like nothing happened

next was Dolph he paint something beautiful, but he left for a few minutes so Roxy came out of no where and did her job Dolph came back and saw his painting it was like half was erased some how, Roxy was standing next to a tree with an evil look on her face and put her hand behind her back behind her back she hold a bottle of vinegar

Science camp was next Max Nikki and Neil were a group Neil was doing all the work they left to get something and Roxy popped up and she put some purple stuff on the blue stuff then green stuff on it she then left when they got back their experiment exploded on their faces they were in shock

Roxy was standing next to her siblings with a smirk on her face and said "aww what a shame it looks like it literally blow you away" they looked at her like she did it which she did

Everyone was at the mess hall Max was talking to Nikki and Neil about Roxy" why is she doing this too us" snapped Max

"Well we did ruin her sisters life by making her day worst" pointed out Neil

"I know that, but why does she care about her she hates her so much" Max snapped again

"Well she did say no one manipulates her family, but her so shes the only one who can do that" Neil point out again

"Well we should get her back for doing this to all of us" said Max

Neil looked at Max like he was crazy"ARE YOU CRAZY!! MAY I REMIND YOU WHAT SHE DID TO PRESTON AND ERED SHE LITERALLY HURT THEM" yelled Neil "face it Max she has complete power over this camp now"

Max then looked at Neil like he had an idea"Not for long Neil I have a plan" Max then looked at Neil and Nikki with an evil look on his face

It was night Max, Neil, and Nikki went inside Roxy and Juan's tent they tried to find something that means to her they can't take Juan because they need something to destroy it that isn't human Juan was sound asleep, but they saw Roxy with tear stains on her cheeks, but they saw something she was holding so tight it was a teddy bear and they know that it means so important to her so what they did was they took it without waking up Roxy once they left their tent they saw Campbell drunk Max had a smirk on his face and another idea

It was morning Roxy woke up and saw that she wasn't holding her bear she looked everywhere under her blanket and under her bed she then looked at Juan with an upset look on her face " Juan have you seen Corduroy"

Juan looked at her and said "no"
Roxy was upset she looked everywhere Juan was calming Roxy so she doesn't lose it " Roxy Corduroy might be in the tent, but you can't keep looking for it forever I mean it's not like someone took it you must of dropped it somewhere"

Roxy looked at him with a smile on her face and said"yeah your right let's just go to the mess hall and -" Roxy stopped when she saw Campbell laying down on the table, but she saw bits of pieces and fluff and saw it on his mouth she was in shock, but she got angry she then got on Campbell and punch him many times "MURDER YOU KILLED CORDUROY!!" shouted Roxy Campbell woke up, but Roxy was still punching him, but David pulled her away

Campbell woke up and was concerned why a child was punching him "Woah woah woah what's going on?"

Roxy was trying to punch him and she finally said "YOU KILLED MY STUFFED BEAR IS WHAT'S GOING ON!!" Roxy shouted again David let go and Roxy grabbed one of of the fluff that's around them with a sad expression on her face

Campbell looked at her on the floor with her knees down and tried to apologise to her"oh look kid I'm sorry I-I was drunk I-I must of thought he was food or something"

Roxy didn't except his apology instead she said "SO IF YOU WERE DRIVING DRUNK AND RAN HIM OVER WOULD YOU STILL GO TO JAIL! YESS!!"

David looked at her and said " look Roxy please let him make it up to you please"

Campbell did want to make it up to him so he got up by sitting on the table and tried" yeah you could kill something that I love"

Roxy then got up to Campbell and pulled her gun out of her pocket"how bout I do that" she then said that with a scary voice everyone was shocked that she had a gun all along

Campbell was scared because she had a gun and said "woah woah woah!! I meant something like my favorite uh uh sweater" Campbell lied

Roxy didn't fall for it she way too smart for that "Okay 1 I'm not falling for that and second your comparing Corduroy too a sweater NO WONDER WHY YOU TWO DIDN'T GET ALONG YOU BASTARD" Yelled Roxy "Say your prayers no show"

Roxy was about to pull the trigger, but David stopped her once she did it "Roxy stop"

Gwen stepped in and said " Yeah what's so important about that bear"

Roxy looked down on the floor and said " it was a gift from my dad before he went to jail" Roxy was still looking down trying not to cry

David then felt bad for her and said"Oh Roxy I'm so sorry listen I feel like you have gone through a lot what if I hired a professional to help you on that problem"

Roxy thought long and hard and nodded a yes

David was happy and said " great now let's go do camp activity's kids"

After what they all witness Neil pointed out about Roxy "Now Max are you going to do that again"

"Nope after what I saw she is going to kill us with her gun how did she even get that in camp anyway" Max said that terrified

Juan looked at Roxy in concerned and said" so.... Are you gonna stop torturing them"

"Oh no I'm still going to making their lives a living hell as you can see I have a plan to get my revenge on the world" Roxy said that with a mischievous look on her face

Wow what do you think is going to happen next find out next episode

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