Episode 7: Flower scouts troop 1,2,3

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It was day and it's starts off with the flower scouts, everyone was at there and Ms. Priss is there giving an announcement

"Girls we have new flower scout troops, meet Sarah, Yuki, and our first ever boy flower scout Luke"

Everyone of the flower scouts looks at Luke with loving eyes, but Sasha, Erin, and Tabii we're not

"Um Ms. Priss, why is there a boy here?" Asked Tabii

"Oh Tabii, because his family is super rich and they paid me a lot of money if I let him join the flower scouts" said Ms. Priss

Tabii then walked up to Yuki and asked "so your name is Yuki?"

"Yes" said Yuki

"So what are you Chinese or Japanese?" Asked Tabii

"No I'm Mexican, so I'm a Latina" said Yuki

"Really then why does your name sound like a Japanese or Chinese name?" Asked Tabii

"Ew your from Mexico" said Erin

"Yeah so" said Yuki

"Ew you must be really gross" said Sasha

Yuki, Sarah, and Luke looked at the three in anger

"At least we're rich as fuck" said Sarah

"Wow I didn't know that Mexicans can be rich" said Tabii

"Yeah we thought you guys are poor" said Sasha

"Well at least I don't wear makeup to hide all my wrinkles like you with your gross ass face" said Sarah

Sasha then gasped offended by what Sarah said

"Girls behave" said Ms. Priss

"Yes Ms. Priss" said Sarah being all sweet

"Aw you are so sweet, why can't you be more like her Sasha" said Ms. Priss

Sasha was getting more angry

"Okay lady's and gentlemen" said Ms. Priss "Who can tell me what starts today"

"Flower scout cookie sale" said everyone

"Yess, and which troop is going to sell the most?" said Ms. Priss

"Troops 7, 8, 9" said everyone as Sasha, Erin, and Tabii raised their hand up to tell who 7, 8, 9 is

"Alright, and why are we going to do it?" Said Ms. Priss

"Because you rather die then let that bitch Suzie Mendez think you look bad then the other garden mother's" said everyone

"Exactly, now Sarah, Yuki, Luke sense your new you guys can be a group, now I haven't given you a troop number yet, but maybe at the end of the day I'll give you three the number" said Ms. Priss, she then left while lighting up a cigarette

"Alright guys let's do this" said Sarah

"Ha you think you can sell the most cookies get real you gross people we have more experience while you three don't" said Sasha, the three then left

"Okay guys let's do what we are always good at, being successful" said Sarah

Ooh I wonder what they are gonna do find out next chapter

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