under Rogers spell

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Olivia went to Roxy and Juan and asked them "What's going on?" Roxy and Juan pointed at Roger and Olivia saw him in shock

"Why are you shocked you knew this would happen" said Roxy "any way why is he doing this for?"

"Yeah I think I know why Ered was such a bitch to him and so I think he looks cool so he could get revenge on her" said Juan

Roger looked at Roxy, Juan, and Olivia and asked them "hey guys come over here"

They walked towards him and Juan asked him "wow Roger how did you became cool in the past morning?"

"Well it wasn't easy" said Roger


Every one was in the mess hall being board, but suddenly Roger bursted out of the doors " Hey everyone do you want a free phone well here comes the helicopter with all your phones"

Everyone went outside to get a free phone and cheered for Roger
_______________________________________________________end of________________ ______________Flashback_______________

"Wow Roger that's amazing how did you even pay for the phones" asked Roxy

"Oh I borrowed money from the family" said Roger

"Won't they find out that there money is gone" asked Olivia

"Oh don't worry I left a note" said Roger

___________________________________________Meanwhile at the Smith house____

We're just looking at the houses until everyone in the house yelled"ROGER!!!!!!"

_______________________________________________Back to Camp Campbell_______

"Yeah and even if I left a note they can't find me" said Roger

"Cool anyway we're gonna go in the forest so we can ignore today's activity's wanna join" said Roxy

"Don't worry about today's activity's David and Gwen are using the phones" said Roger

Roxy, Juan, and Olivia saw Gwen and David with their phones that Roger gave away

"Wow even David and Gwen are using the phones you gave away" said Roxy"wow David doesn't even use electrics at camp you really are the coolest kid here" said Roxy "but still we're going to the forest last time we found a lot of weird shit and I feel we might find something that is awesome wanna come"

"Nah you guys go ahead I wanna saver this" said Roger

Roxy, Olivia, and Juan left, but as soon as they left Roger had a device he pressed a button and it controlled a the phones and it got all the kids who are using them under their spell their eyes we're glowing white they were like zombies

"Everyone adore me" said Roger

Everyone was adoring him

Later on Roger was in a chair that make him look like a king their was Harrison waving a fan on him and Nerris feeding him grapes while Ered had a collar with chains sticking out of it she's a slave she does what she's told literally

Everyone else is also his slave their job is to please the king as long as he has that device he's the king of the camp

Will Roxy, Juan, and Olivia save the day find out next chapter

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