Daniel's camp

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Everyone was in the mess hall Olivia and Juan were in a cage now the same cage that Roger put them

Olivia was terrified by Daniel"why are you doing this" said Olivia

"I'm sacrificing you kids so that HE would come" said Daniel

Olivia and Juan was confused on what he meant by HE, but didn't want to ask

"I'm gonna do this with the help of my new assistant" said Daniel

Suddenly Roger appeared with blond hair and a white jumpsuit"it's me"

Olivia and Juan face palm themselves because of Roger

"Roger what are you doing" asked Olivia

"Pardon, but I am Eugene Harrit I was a cultist as long as I could remember my parents taught me about our God and how much we need to sacrificed the people and kids for our God" said Eugene (Roger)

"Yes and as he said we will now start to sacrifice you"

Olivia and Juan were pretty terrified Max and Nikki grabbed them and sent them close to Daniel, Daniel was about to kill them until Roxy kicked the door down and put her gun in the air and shoot from the ceiling *BANG* everyone looked at Roxy and yet the campers still had the smiles on

"HEY CULTIST ITS PLAY TIME" yelled Roxy she put her gun away and started punching the campers she didn't use her gun cause they are campers she wishes she could kill them, but she was waiting for the day that will come

She was grabbed by Erid, but she swinged her away to the grown then she was hold down by Nikki, but she was grabbed and thrown away by Roxy's brother Miguel they hate each other, but Miguel would save Olivia and Juan they fought side by side and then they put needles in there arms and put them back to normal

Daniel noticed that and he tried to grab Roxy, but Miguel pushed him to the ground and Roxy pointed her gun to his head

"looks like I will kill someone" said Roxy

Daniel was terrified at first, but then he saw the gun "that gun is that"

"Yup it is his gun" said Roxy

"Your Roxanna" said Daniel

"Yup" said Roxy

"The daughter of .." said Daniel

"Yup" said Roxy

"I - I'm so sorry I'll never come here again just don't kill me" said Daniel

Roxy was thinking about it and her answer was "okay I'll let you go, but if you come back I will end you got that" Roxy then grabbed Daniel and put him closer to his face

"Yes as you wish I'll never come back" said Daniel then he ran away and never to be seen again

Roxy ran towards Juan and hugged him Olivia looked at her and said"excuse me what about me"

"Why I don't like you" said Roxy

"Well I guess I should go back to work" said Miguel

"Miguel how did you even get here anyway" asked Olivia

"I called him and he got here in a plane" said Roxy

"Yup I work in an airport remember I can go anywhere while I'm in a plain" said Miguel"anyway I gotta go oh and Roxy this maybe a work together, but our war is never over I'll see you at the end of summer" said Miguel

Roxy and Miguel were glaring at each other, but Olivia walked Miguel to the door

"Okay bye Miguel" said Olivia and closed the door

"Ha ha" said Eugene (Roger)

"No Roger it's over" said Roxy

"Oh thank God I hated that guy he took my knife" said Roger


Everyone was awake, but seriously hurt at Roxy's actions

"Why did you have to do that" said Neil

"What fun will it be if I can't hurt anyone" said Roxy

"Roxy I'm glad that you saved us, but can you bring us some ice" said David

"Oh sorry, but I'm busy so sorry" by that saying Roxy, Juan, and Olivia left

"OH YOU SON OF A.." said Max from that saying the screen turned dark

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