Meet Roxy

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Home is where the hustle is.
That's why I want off this rock, everyone here is wise to the game there's no more opportunity, but outside this wreak and across that bridge ooh, the sky's the limit.
There's a sucker born every minute, so why waste my talents on nickels and dimes here when there's a pile of gold sitting just out of my reach?
I didn't get into the fortune-telling business to not make a fortune.
And Daddy always said, if it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense.
Which is why I've learned to read people the same way I learn to read the cards.
If you just tell them what they want to hear... They'll do things for you, because they trust you.
That's how I'm getting off this place this world will never be ready for someone like me because we don't owe them anything.
In fact they owe us.
And I'm getting my cut.

Once she said that she laughed evilly

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