Rogers the cool kid now

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Roger was here to stay Roger came into the mess hall and saw the children

"Okay Roger if your here to stay theres only one simple rule don't do what you always do" said Roxy

Roger looked at Roxy confused "what wha- what do mean what does she mean?"

They looked at each other and Olivia spoke out kinda "well Roger when ever your around you kinda well ..."

When Olivia hold that thought Roxy spoke "you mess stuff up when your yourself or one of your persona's"

Roger looked at her hurt " what Roxy I am very hurt what makes you think I'll mess up"

Roxy started to name the stuff Roger does "well for starters your childish your greedy you throw a tantrum and cruel plus your a dangerous sociopath committing theft"

"Okay okay I see your point but I won't do that I promise" said Roger

They looked at him like they could trust him and they left

Roger just looked around to see who he could make friends with and the first person he saw was Ered so Roger walked up to her and said "hi I'm Roger the new kid want to be friends"

Ered looked at him with a smile and his hand out for a hand shake "uh no because your not worth my respect" Ered refused and left

"Respect what is she like the cool girl in this camp" snapped Roger

Juan walked up to him and said "yeah she actually is"

Roger looked at Juan in surprised "What really I thought you would be the cool boy in camp"

"Na man I'm chill and all, but I don't hang with these people" said Juan

Roger looked at her in anger "How is she cool she was a bitch to me how does anyone not see it"

"Well that's just it they're blind from her coolness or under her spell even when she's a bitch they still think she's cool" said Juan "I never experienced it myself because I don't like to hang out with her, but we seen it with our own eyes if anybody was as cool as her or way cool she will no longer be cool at this camp, but hey man some things just stay I guess"

Roger then had an idea "say goodbye to your popularity because no one will respect you after tommorow"

It was morning Roxy and Juan woke up and left their tent they went into the mess hall and saw the campers go around someone they went in to see and saw Roger with blond hair a red vest and brown paints "oh God he didn't" said Roxy

"I feel like I'm not surprised at all" said Juan

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