Wheels and the Legman

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"alright campers let's have some fun at the activities field" said David walking the campers to the activities field, but when they got there David screamed in shocked as he saw the activities field as a mess, a really big mess, "NO!!! WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING!!!" Said David as his knees were on the ground

Roger and Steve looked at the crime scene as Roger had his finger under his chin

"A destroyed field and someone's the victim, (looks at Roger) Are you thinking what I'm thinking" said Steve

"This sounds like a job for..."

"Wheels and the Legman" said both Steve and Roger

Roger was changed in his Legman suit and then noticed Steve not in his Wheels suit

"Why didn't you change?" Asked the Legman

"I can't change as fast like you" said Steve

"Oh right" said the Legman

"I'm coming" said Roxy

"Why?" Asked Steve

"Cause it's either that or spend the whole day with David trying to put on something fun while crying, oh and Olivia and Juan are coming too" said Roxy

"Oh come on Roxy, I think the activity that David is putting won't be THAT bad" said Olivia

"His making us build an outhouse" said Roxy

"Yeah, okay I'm coming" said Olivia

"I'm not gonna let you be apart of our search party" said Steve

"I don't know Steve, I mean sure she is a demon, but she could be a good bad cop, I mean do you know how she attacks people" said the Legman

"How could I not, she pants me at school because I embarrassed her, she tased me once for being a bit controlling, she attacked me with a banana, A BANANA, HOW CAN A BANANA BEAT YOU SO HARD" said Steve

"It's Roxy, what do you expect from her" said Olivia

"She has a point Wheels, plus she can tell a lie, she might be useful, go change into Wheels, I'll go ask the victim " said the Legman, the Legman then walked to David and asked him a few questions "when did this happen?"

"I found out a few seconds ago, it must have had time to destroy it at night" said David

"Mhm, and can I ask, where is the cocaine hidden?" Asked the Legman

"The what?" Said David

"What?" Said the Legman "don't worry citizen, me and Wheels, and Roxy, Olivia, and Juan will solve this case, we won't rest till we bring them to justice"

"Alright I'm here" said Steve in his Wheels suit

"Alright, find clues" said the Legman

Roxy, Olivia, Juan, Wheels, and the Legman were finding clues, as Roxy was looking around she looked at the ground and found footprint leading to the woods

"Guys I found footprints leading to the woods" said Roxy pointing at them

Roxy, Olivia, Juan, Wheels, and the Legman followed the footprints into the woods, when they were following the footprints, Roxy then saw a mint color shoe

"Now who would have a mint color shoe in this camp?" Said Juan with his hand under his chin with a smirk squinting

"Quick, to the camp" said the Legman

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