Roger is here to stay

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Roxy looked at David and said"Seriously you hired Ro... Dr. Penguin" Said Roxy as she hesitated to say his name

Max then came up to her and said "What was the thing you were gonna say"

"Nothing" Said Roxy like she didn't say anything

"Oh do you two know each other" ask David

"Oh very much so" said Roxy while she glared at Dr. Penguin (Roger)

"Roxy and I go way back" said Roger like it was true

Roxy looked at him with a glare and said "That's because YOUR MY ACTUAL THERAPIST" yelled Roxy "what are you doing here anyway"

"Uhh... No reason at all" Roger lied

"Your lying I'll come back to that later" said Roxy

"Well I think it's time to do camp activity's Roxy you and Dr. Penguin go to a tent I put up and start your therapy" said David with a grin on his face

Roxy and Roger were inside the tent to start her session

Roger looked down on his clip board and said"Okay so your problem is that you have been sad sense your dad went to -" Roger then got cut off buy Roxy

"Cut the crap Roger why are you even here I know you didn't come here for your job you want something" Roxy then looked at Roger with a brow up

Roger sighs and finally spoke out " Stan and Francine said I'm to lazy and immature cause I left your session sense you were 5 and now I want to finish that"

Roxy then looked at Roger and said"aww that's sad and horrible your talking to a sociopath here"

"Gah alright I'm here because I got kicked out of my own attic for the summer and I need a place too stay so when that tall guy said I could stay there if I helped you on your problem" said Roger

Roxy looked at him like he was an idiot" Okay Roger 1 why didn't you just pretended to be a new camper 2 why did you get kicked out of the attic and 3 you could be perfect for my plan"

Roxy explained her plan to Roger "wow wait, but how can I be a camper here I'm Dr. Penguin" said Roger

"Oh don't worry I got this" said Roxy

David was reading a note from Dr. Penguin"Dear David, I can't help Roxy cause she seems okay to me okay later, okay campers I guess Dr. Penguin is no longer staying with us so -"

Suddenly David got cut off by the Quarter master "New kid here"

David was confused and said " new. Kid"

Suddenly Roger came out and introduce himself "hello I'm Roger Smith"

"Oh well hello Roger I'm David your camp counselor come with us we are starting on our camp activity's" said David with a grin on his face

Roger walked up to Roxy, Juan, and Olivia "Roger why" said Olivia

Roxy then said" he got kicked out of the attic"

"Ohh" said Olivia and Juan

"Yep and I'm here to stay for the summer"Said Roger

They all looked at each other unamused and said "yay..." With a fake smile

Okay that's all for today see what will happen next next time

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