Do I love her

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Max and Roxy were finding a way to get out suddenly they stop to see a door it looked so ancient with Ruby's and lapis laziul's they looked at each other at first then they opened the door when they open the door inside was a path there were torches along the path they were walking along the path until they stop and saw the end of the path it was destroyed now they had to jump it was too deep the ground was dark they walk until Max stepped on a boobietrap suddenly everything started to crumble suddenly the wall started to open the room was dark, but suddenly rumbling started to happen Roxy and Max looked up and saw a giant ball Roxy and Max run for there lives they then saw the end of the path they ran as fast as they can and jumped the giant ball then falls to the deep ground Roxy made it, but Max was hanging on the other side of the path for life he started to slip until Roxy grabbed his hand and tried to save him she used all her strength and then she saved him and they fall to the ground Max was on Roxy he then got up and he realizes that he was on Roxy he didn't get off he was looking at her he felt something weird inside he kept looking at her he didn't get off until Roxy told him "get off me or I'll hurt you" Max then got off of her

Max scratched his head and told Roxy "thanks i guess"

"whatever let's just get out of here" said Roxy

Max was blushing and he heard a bump in his chest he didn't know why *the hell why is my chest bumping w - why do I feel weird around her*

Roxy then popped out of the door and said "Max let's go I'm not going to stay here forever"

When Roxy left Max gave her an angry look, but he was still blushing so he covered himself by putting on his hoodie on and then he followed Roxy.

__________________________________________Meanwhile with Olivia and Juan___

Juan and Olivia went to their camp activity's

Juan was confused so he asked Olivia "Olivia why are we here"

"Because the riddle we solved was dream so we came to our camp activity's for our dreams" said Olivia

"Olive I always wondered what DID you sign up for" asked Juan

"Well I signed up for save the Earth camp so basically my dream is to save our planet" said Olivia

"If you want to save the world then why didn't you save the Amazon" asked Juan

"I asked mom, but she said no so this is the closest thing I got" said Olivia "anyway what camp did you sign up for" asked Olivia

"I didn't I came here for a punishment" said Juan "but anyway if I did I would sign up for sports camp my dream is to become a famous soccer player"

"Wow that's amazing" said Olivia "well anyway I'll go to my camp and you'll go to yours bye"

Juan went to his camp and grabbed his riddle "congratulations you got your second clue here's the riddle what sports ball do you kick and has black and white hexagons on it, soccer ball, if you solved this riddle please grab the item from the riddle" Juan then went to grab a soccer ball and it said "kick the ball and what ever it lands that's where you and your partner will go" so Juan kicked the ball and hit the tree it came back to him and the area he will go is spooky island "huh I always wondered what Spooky Island looks like eh I'll just get Olivia"

Meanwhile with Olivia she had a card that says what kills our planet "pollution duh, if you know the riddle go to the table and find a plant that says it" Olivia went to the table that has the plants on the plant pots there was a note she then grabbed the note it says "if you got this not then go to Spooky Island with your partner, so I have to go to a place that has the words Spooky Island in it" Olivia then went to Juan and told him "Juan we're going to Spooky Island"

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