The worst day of Olivia

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Olivia woke up from her slumber of sleep and left to go to the mess hall she saw Max, Nikki, and Neil and went to where they are Roxy and Juan didn't see where she was going they we're watching videos on Roxy's phone Olivia sat next to Max.

Max saw her and said "ah good your here now let's get started I'm hungry go get me some lunch" said Max to Olivia

Olivia went to get lunch and give it to Max she left to we're Roxy and Juan are and Olivia sat down

Roxy looked at her and said "Where's your breakfast" she said in concerned

Olivia was panicking and said "I didn't know where to get it"

Roxy looked at her annoyed and said " serious it's right there" she snapped

Olivia looked over their and looked nervous

Roxy looked at her and ugh "really just really, fine take mine I don't care"

Olivia looked at her and said"aren't you hungry Roxy" she said in concern

Roxy says"I only ate half I'm not hungry, but I am thirsty" she took the milk and chug half of it

Olivia looked at her confused and said"how could you not be hungry"said Olivia in concern

Juan explained it to her " Roxy doesn't get hungry when she eats half she gets full" said Juan

Olivia looked at her and realized in her thoughts *Oh my God I know nothing about Roxy*

While Olivia was eating David came in and said " Alright campers today we're going hiking for a picnic"

Everyone ugh, but Roxy Ugh so long, but stop when they were at the area where their going to hike

"Alright campers" said David "Who's ready to go hike"

"Yeah I'm ready, to die" said Roxy in a sarcastic voice

Gwen looked at her " you know we can leave you, you little shit" said Gwen in an angry voice

"I would be delighted" said Roxy with a smirk on her face

"Now, now Gwen we can't just leave her here all alone" said David

"Yeah leave me here too" said Juan

"Now, now no one is leaving who here we are going to hike and stop to have a picnic now come on kids let's go" said David in a cheerful voice

Roxy ugh again there and when she was hiking " Great I'm going to die again" Roxy snapped

"Again" said Juan on confusion

"When you and Dad stayed home we went walking to a place we had too go" explained Olivia

"He said it takes 1 hour it took all morning to get there and it wasn't a carnival we didn't go on the fucking rides" snapped Roxy

"We only went to see something" said Olivia

"IT ONLY TOOK 1 MINUTE SO WE CAME THERE FOR NOTHING!!!" Yelled Roxy with a twitching eye

Olivia was walking alone, but someone pulled her away it was Max "so you came prepared" he said Olivia nodded yes "good"

Neil look at Max and said "Max what are you up to" said Neil in concern

"Well I may have an idea for her to get us what we want from her" said Max with and evil smile once Max turned he saw that Olivia was gone "shit why didn't you stop her" Max snapped

"She ran" said Nikki

Max looked at her annoyed

Olivia ran up to Roxy and Juan "Hey can I walk with you guys"

"Sure because we're related you don't have to ask genius" said Roxy

"Okay quit while your ahead" said Olivia to Roxy while she was mad

Once they finally got there they all sat down for the picnic Olivia got pulled back by Max again"So we need you to do something for us missy" said Max with an evil look

"Max just leave her be she may not do it" said Neil

While he was looking at that direction she tried to run, but Max caught her "hey where do you think your going" Olivia tried to punch him, but it was so light "What was that" said Max " you can't punch can you" "So here's what we need you to do you -" once Max going to say his plan he got cut off by Roxy

"Hey Olivia we need your help on some thing so quite talking to your boyfriend and come help us miss perfect" said Roxy

"ROXY HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND" said Olivia with her face turning all red so was Max's face

"Yeah sure he's not just come with us Juliet" said Roxy with an I don't care face she grabbed Olivias hand and left

Nikki snort laugh and said " your face turned red"

What Roxy really needed her for fireworks to explode "Okay when I say go go got it" said Roxy

"What are you up to Roxanna"said Olivia with a concern face

"Well Olive I'm going to put fire works  up, but I'm putting it down see the beauty of it is I'm going to burn the camp" said Roxy with an evil face

"What Roxy no I'm not letting you do this" said Olivia

Once Olivia said the fire works were already light up "To late I light them up" said Roxy while she was holding a lighter

Olivia was panicking and so she thought quick and put the fire works up to the sky all of them and all the fire works exploded to the air everyone was amazed

"You can't let me have my moment can you miss perfect" said Roxy while she snapped

Roxy and Juan left in anger Olivia was sad even when they all went back to camp she walked alone, but Max was next to her "so here's what your gonna do -" said Max, but got cut off by Olivia

"No I'm done being your puppet you don't control me anymore" said Olivia in confidence she walked away

Max was angry for talking back to him "Oh so that's how it's gonna be huh well prepare to have the worst summer ever" said Max with a evil laugh

Wow what is Max going to do to her find out next chapter of Camp Camp new campers

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