Roger it's over

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The camp has been invaded by the cool kid Roger and it's not pretty Roger was in his chair in the mess hall Roxy, Juan, and Olivia just came back from the woods and saw the camp in a disaster they went to the mess hall and saw Roger in a throne with the campers

Roxy walked up to him and asked "Roger WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" yelled Roxy

"Well you see everyone loved the phones I got for them and now they'll do as I say it's great" said Roger

Roxy, Juan, and Olivia turned around and saw the campers and counselors doing slave work they saw Max, Nikki, and Neil doing as he says too that's where Roxy found out what was really going on

"You got those phones from the CIA didn't you" asked Roxy to Roger

"Yes I did" admitted Roger "when Erid said Im not worth her respect I knew I had to earn that respect, but not from her from everyone else so I did what I had to do take the phones from the CIA and put them under my control that then I can make everyone do as I say and Erid will have to earn my respect watch this ERID DANCE FOR ME!!" yelled Roger

Erid dance for Roger and she's done when Roger tells her she's done

"Okay that's enough sweetie" said Roger

"Roger this is what I meant by messing things up" said Roxy " you can't do this"

"Yeah Roger this is wrong stop this at once" said Olivia

Roger was furious when he heard them "oh I see your against me okay then" said Roger in frustration "GUARDS!"

Suddenly Gwen grabbed Juan, David grabbed Olivia, and Campbell grabbed Roxy

"Take them to the dungeon they'll learn to respect me" said Roger

Roxy, Juan, and Olivia tried to free themselves, but couldn't



Roxy, Juan, and Olivia were in a cage guarded by the councilor

"What are we going to do we're trapped no one can save us" said Olivia "It's time to give up"

"No it's not time to give up I'll think of something" said Roxy

Roxy was thinking of a plan, but remember that she still has her phone the one that doesn't mind control them

"Guy's I still have my phone" said Roxy

"Quick call someone for help" said Olivia

"Oh don't worry I already got one person to come" said Roxy

She dieled the number and called that person to come


Everyone was at the theater stage where Roger was on the stage sitting on his throne

"My people it's time to give these phones to everyone in the world!" Said Roger

Everyone cheered slowly

"Now March" said Roger

Suddenly there was strong wind
"What the?" Asked Roger

Roger looked up and saw helicopters Roger squented at the logo of the helicopter and knew what that logo is it's the CIA

"Oh shit" said Roger

A guy with a helmet on grabbed the device that Roger was holding and throw it at the ground and smashed it in pieces everyone was out of Rogers control and they wondered how they got here suddenly the guy took off his helmet and Roger knew who it was

"STAN!!" Roger was freaked out and tried to escape, but got blocked by Francine, Steve, Hayley, and Klause

"Hey guys" said Roger slowly

"Roger we know you took those phones to mind control these Campers" said Francine

"What HOW!" yelled Roger

"We called them"

Suddenly Roxy, Juan, and Olivia came out of the shadows

"How I put you in the dungeon" said Roger

"You did, but I still had my phone suck it bitch" said Roxy

"Okay let's just be calm and just go home" said Roger with a worried face

Stan then grabbed Roger by his collar of his shirt


"Used them to gain popularity and mind control them just because one bitch said he was not worth his respect" said Roxy

"WHAT!" Yelled Stan

"I'm not a bitch I'm coooool" said Erid

"Bitch please you basically make everyone do what you say your clearly a bitch" said Roxy

"Yeah that's why we're not friends you don't deserve to have any respect from anyone" said Juan

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK" yelled Nikki

"Yeah your not cool at all if your not my friend" said Erid

"Hey shut up Juan is cool he knows how to be cool in fact you should be the one to be his friend he's way cooler than you he's not even embarrassed by anyone he's way cool he doesn't even take anyone for granted he should be the one voted for coolest camper" said Roger

Everyone finally opened their eyes and see the truth even Nikki

"Wow he's right" said Nerf

"Yeah Erid has been talking us for granted" said Harrison

"Juan should be voted coolest camper" said Nikki

"Yeah even I think he should be voted coolest camper" said Max

Roxy and Olivia looked at Juan like they were proud of him Juan gave them a light smile

"Okay okay but how do you think that's gonna work with Juan he's just a dumb 9 year old" said Erid

Roxy gave her a glare and wanted to hurt her, but everyone was booing at her and throwing tomatoes at her she then ran out of here and cheer for Juan

"What a happy ending" said Roger " Okay now let's go home"


"You still took the money" said Roxy

"Uh Yeah I did" said Roger

"Roger give us back our money now" said Stan

"I can I spent it on the medieval stuff" said Roger worried

"WHAT" Said the family

"It's time to pay the price Roger" said Stan

Stan then took out his gun and point it at Roger Roger was scared

"Wait I'll do anything just punish me with something and I'll do it" said Roger

Stan then conciser on that and then..

"Okay then I have a punishment right for you" said Stan with an evil look

"Your going to stay at this shitty camp for a week" said Stan with his evil look

Roger got down on his knees and yelled"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

What will happen next find out next episode

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