Brandon POV

"Hey, you've reached the voicemail of Antheia Campbell, just leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

I let out a loud sigh as I dropped my phone on my bed, does she seriously not want to speak to me that bad. I mean it's been 2 days already, It can't be that big of a deal. I grabbed my phone and checked if she had replied to any of my texts... not even read. At this point, I was even considering going down to the offices because I know she starts work there tomorrow but that would be a tad bit extreme. I walked down to the lounge to see Ansley on Austin's screen and I immediately rolled my eyes. It's like now that I'm single, love is just gross... only because I want to love again. Soon both Nick and Edwin came running down the stairs dressed in basketball shorts.

"Dumb and Dumber, where y'all going dressed like that?"

"Johnson's, did you not see his text asking if any one of us wanted to just go chill at his place." Edwin replied while rummaging through the fridge.

"So you gonna come with us or what?"

"Nah, it's cool. I'll stay here and catch up with my writing."

They both nodded their heads and walked out the door while I walked back into my room. This whole Charlotte situation still has me in my feelings.


Antheia POV

I stood in the basketball court in Jack's backyard waiting for him to catch his breath, what a loser.

"Jack, you good? You need a break or what?"

"You know... I'm just gonna go... you know... get water, you want?" I shrugged my shoulders as I laughed at him.

"I could do with a bit of water right now."

I followed Jack back into the house and he handed me a bottle of water. He and I have been texting since Thursday and he's just such a great person. I was currently over at his house cause he was having a few friends over and they were just going to chill, play basketball ( a sport that I was fucking too dangerous in.) I agreed because it could be a chance for me to not only make friends but to take a few training photos for my first day at work tomorrow. It's my first day and I was already expected to lead a photo shoot because the actual photographer has got some illness... talk about throwing me in the deep end. As I looked at the number of missed calls and texts I had from Brandon, Jack's doorbell rang and a small flood of people came in. I'm guessing they were a little surprised by my presence because their conversation immediately died down at the sight of me.

"Oh yeah hey, this is my friend Antheia. Antheia these are the guys: Sam, Dillon, Skate, Hayes, Edwin and Nick."

"Hey, guys." They replied in unison before Jack ordered us all out the house and to the courts, I'm surprised he still wants to play after I murdered him during our one on one.

"You know Jack, we just fucking got here, let's chill on the hoops and play COD for now and get well acquainted with your beautiful friend." I immediately rolled my eyes knowing Sammy was actually like what the fanfictions all said about him... a huge flirt.

"Don't mind him, he's a bit mentally unstable."

"It's cool Dillon, I know exactly how to handle him"

"Geex, you caught onto our names quickly. I don't even remember yours, to be honest." I chuckled and sat on the couch and he followed suit along with the boys named Nick and Edwin. I have never seen them before but they seemed really cool.

I had been speaking to all the boys and we were all getting to know each other and they are so fucking amazing. I learnt that Nick and Edwin were in a band along with 3 other guys but I forgot the band's name but they did promise to get me tickets to their next show. The whole afternoon was filled with a lot of laughs, a little drinking, a few games of hoops and a lot of photos being taken by me. They all were so welcoming and I was just loving their vibe, I know I'm definitely going to love L.A

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