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Antheia POV

"Ed come on over, the movie's about to start." I hollered from the lounge, getting myself ready for the movie to begin. Edwin came strolling in seconds later with his phone in hand.

"The pizza should be arriving soon. Like 2 minutes so just pause it." I released a hefty groan pausing the movie once again as we waited for the food Edwin could've ordered later on. Soon enough as promised, the bell rang and Edwin ran to the door.

"Pizza delivery for a Antheia Campbell?" As soon as his voice echoed through the lounge, I pulled the blanket over myself and contemplated playing dead but obviously Edwin enjoyed seeing me suffer as I felt myself being enveloped in muscular arms and set down to stand up right... In front of Zion.

"We're not watching any movie until you speak to the poor guy." Ed called as he walked out the room, providing us with the privacy e deserved.

"Sooo how's it going?" I questioned, gazing at everything besides the eyes of the boy who stood before me.

"Cut the bullshit babygirl. Let's real talk."

"Listen Z... I know it probably upset you because it all happened so fast. I mean you and I had just come back from an amazing date and I ruined it all by running too Bran-" before I could finish his name, Zion cut me off by placing his soft lips on mine. For a moment in time I forgot all about the world around us and focused on the beautiful boy right before me. He laid me down upon the couch and hovered above me as his shirt detached from his body.

"Hey I'm just gon- WOAH what the FUCK guys. " The mere sound of Edwin's voice caused Zion and I to separate from one another. "Man's leaves for 2 minutes and y'all out here fucking already." I brushed off his joke and as soon as I stood up, Edwin seemed to have some sort of attack because he soon became one with the floor.

"ED!?" I yelled as I ran over to see my friend laying up, staring at ceiling above him. "Are you good? What the fuck just happened?"

"Oh no I'm great, I was just looking at Zion's back and I'm shook he survived such a bear attack... HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT TELL ME, YOUR BEST FRIEND, THAT YOU AND ZION DID THE NASTY." I went wide eyed realizing Zion was shirtless and Edwin now knew the truth behind our date. I helped my friend up before nudging him while he let out a deep chuckle.

"But for real tho, why didn't you tell me?" He asked turning to face me as I walked towards the couches.

"She wanted to keep everything about us low-key, we didn't want you guys knowing about us because you'd freak and make it a big deal." Zion answered cutting in, not only through our conversation but our seating arrangement as he pried himself between Edwin and I.

"WELL OBVIOUSLY. You guy's are fucking beautiful together homie. The world needs to know bout y'all." I rolled my eyes at Ed's response knowing he probably wouldn't understand this situation. I turned to face the TV and Edwin took this as a sign that the conversation had abruptly come to a halt. Zion stood up only to sit behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled as I sank into his physique and looked up at him only to see him looking down already.

"So we cool right? You cut me off before I could even finish."

"We aight babygirl. I thought about and I had no right to be angry, you and I aren't officially together and Brandon's out there with his hoes so either way, I get you?" I knitted my eyebrows at the mention of Brandon and his other women but I decided not to engage and enjoy my time with my handsome almost boyfriend.

"If you guy's would stop flirting, I'd love to watch the movie." Ed hollered from the single couch and I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance as I allowed the movie to begin. I watched as Lara-Jean appeared on the open green field on the screen and upon sight, my small smile grew wider and a little brighter.

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