Zion POV

The boys and I arrived at Venice Beach at about 10 and we were currently changing into our assigned wardrobe pieces. I usually hated photo shoots but this one seems as if it would be more fun, its something about the setting that gets me excited.

I looked over at Brandon who had his pods in and was completely disorientated with the rest of the world I stood up from my makeup chair and walked towards the beach messaging my sister about something she was doing for me. The photographer called us over saying we'll be starting soon, he was just waiting on his assistant to come back. We all put our phones away and I listened to Austin explaining how I should use the skateboard. I was engaged in conversation when something Edwin said caught my attention.

"Nic, bro. Is that not Antheia?" Edwin pointed out and out of curiosity, I gazed in the direction of his finger and there she was. Frozen in her spot, staring right back at us. I could immediately feel the tears welling up in my eyes because although she was standing quite far away, I could tell she herself was crying.

"Antheia. Antheia come here." I listened to the guys calling her over but my eyes were stuck on her. I couldn't look away, not now. I felt as if I was in a dream state... I haven't seen this girl in a whole 3 years and by some twist of fate, here she was walking towards me. As she was approaching us, she completely avoided eye contact with me. I don't blame her, I'd want nothing to do with me as well. She finally got to the group and I looked around at the faces, Brandon looked shocked, Nick and Edwin were happy and poor Austin was just confused.

"Hey Nick, Ed. It's good to see you guys again, although it's literally been a day." They pulled her in for a hug and she tried smiling but I looked incredibly forced on her face. Although she wasn't looking at me, I could see her face was all blotchy and stained, she had been crying. It caused a few tears to start rolling down my face. I watched as she turned towards Brandon.

"Hey B."

"Hey. I guess our shoot is the one you'll be doing." All she did was nod her head in response and Brandon noticed there was something off about her and pulled her in close.

"What's bothering you Anthy, speak to me." She pulled away from him and turned to face Austin...She was purposely avoiding me.

"You must be Austin, the only one of the boys I don't know yet. I'm Antheia."

"Austin, nice to meet ya." He pulled her in for a hug and the sight of him with his arms around my girl hurt me, I felt a sharp pain through my chest which still didn't end once she pulled away.

"Ok well guys, I'll be taking a few photos of you today so if you'd just follow me, we can start." She walked off and we all followed behind her. Nick and Edwin were talking about how cool this was and all I was thinking about is how hard this would be. The boys caught up to me and started speaking to me.

"Bro, did you see how she greeted literally everyone besides you? Like WTF, a little rude if you ask me." Austin spoke trying to get me to speak to them.

"Nah, she's so cool actually, she probably has like a secret crush or something and doesn't want to reveal her inner fangirl." Edwin chimed in replying to Austin.

"Yo, how do the two of you know her?" Brandon questioned the two stooges.

"Met her yesterday at Johnson's when we went to play hoops." I smiled a little remembering her love for basketball and how competitive she was.

"How'd you meet her?" Nick questioned, looking at Arreaga.

"Remember the girl I told you about, the one I liked from the airport... It was her." The other boys all replied with ohhh's and ahh's and it made me angry.

"You were gonna make her, your rebound, what the fuck man. She's so much better than that." The boys seemed confused at my sudden anger but it was brushed off with Austin attempting to wrap his arm around me and changing the subject.

"Well, it seems Zion and I are the only ones who haven't met her yet.' I shook my head to inform him he had been incorrect with his statement.

"I've met her before." The boys seemed surprised before Brandon spoke up.

"AAhah, and when was this?" Brandon questioned, probably thinking I'm lying about my relations with Antheia.

"We dated back in high school."

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