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Antheia POV

"Edwin please hurry up, we're already late." I yelled as I was waiting by the door, keys in hand. My phone was blowing up with texts from Arreaga asking where we at.

Edwin came trudging down the stairs looking incredibly annoyed bust mostly hurt. It broke my heart seeing him like this but he's going to feel so much better soon. See, today is the 12th of February... Edwin's birthday and the boys and I have made it a collectivized decision to pretend to forget about this day but meanwhile, we've got a banging surprise party happening downtown.

"Are you ready?" I questioned and that's when he looked up at me and went wide-eyed.

"I swear if you weren't my best friend I'd take you from behind at this very moment." I watched as his eyes scanned my body and a deep crimson heat rose to my cheeks. He opened the door for my apartment and whistled as we walked out the apartment,

"So where are we going exactly?"

"You and I are just gonna catch dinner. The boys went out to watch a movie and I just haven't spent time with you in a while so I figured why not." All he did was reply with a light 'ohh'. He had pain splattered all over his face and his vibrant, loving eyes had been glossed over with tears and anger.

"Hey, are you fine? You don't look too well." All he did was let out a dry laugh and shook his head, letting a few tears graze his face.

"Obviously I'm not fine. I woke up thinking today will be fucking amazing. I thought maybe you guys would've planned like a lil house party or something. Just some shit to acknowledge that it is my day, after all, I mean my birthday does come once a year."

"Holy shit Ed, it's your birthday... How the fuck could I forget?" I questioned in fake disgust and anger at myself.

"Ed, I'm so sorry. I seriously don't know how I let this slip. I mean you are my best friend and I just feel like the worst person to roam this earth." I pulled over into a parking lot and switched the ignition off. "How about we go in for dinner and then whatever we do next is up to you. Anything you want, I'm down."

He opened the door of the car and didn't say a word. I could tell he was extremely pissed off but reparations are underway. I took his arm and connected it with mine. We walked towards the door in complete silence with thick tension flying around us. I had a smile plastered on my face as I opened the door of the warehouse. We were immediately met with strobe lights and the Ratchet Happy Birthday by Drake was blasting through the speakers.

"Surprise." Edwin's face immediately lit up as his frown faltered while he let out a few curse words pulling me in closer.

"Damn ma, you should seriously consider acting, you had me completely fooled."

"What kind of best friend would I be if I forgot my mains birthday. Now go out there and mingle with your guests." I pushed him into the swarm of people who came for him.


I had just left the boys because I had been too close to actually fucking Zion. I don't know what has taken over me tonight. It may be alcohol in my veins or the air around us but I tell you, I was feeling so horny. I don't even recall much before he and I started kissing but all I remember was me trying to unbuckle his pants in the booth as I straddled his waist and that's when I decided to end it because it was going too far, too quick.

It was a few hours into the party and I was personally done being the photographer so I left everything up to the booth and Jesse. After moments of wondering around, regaining my thoughts, I stumbled into someone upon turning around I was relieved to see it was only Arreaga.

"Holy shit.."

"You've already seen me tonight, why you acting like this." I spoke up, as a slight hint of crimson tinted my cheeks.

"Nothing, it's just..."

"You look amazing... Fucking stunning really."

"Thanks, handsome."

"Do you want a drink? or water cause it seems you need to sober up a little"

"I'm fine, just get more something alcoholic and good." He snaked his arm around my waist and led me towards the bar where he ordered me a sex on the beach, making sure to wink at me as he said that. Once we got our drinks, we stayed at the bar and sparked conversation.

"We did pretty well, setting this whole thing up for Ed. He looks so happy."

"You're an amazing person for doing this... I'm seriously going to love having you around." I could tell Brandon was in the mood to get some but it definitely wouldn't be coming from me. Jesse came around offering to take a photo of us and we gladly accepted, Brandon placed his hand on my ass and gave it a tight squeeze causing a light gasp to leave my lips.

"Let's go dance." I followed suite as we made our way into the middle of the floor. He immediately pulled me closer and I instinctively swayed my hips the music, earning soft moans from Brandon. He moved down, kissing my neck earning soft moans from me.

"There's no touch or feeling, pleasure or pain, anything like the way you're running through my veins."

"No breath or beauty, no sound or sight. That ever made me feel the way you do tonight." I turned to see him a little shocked that I finished off his sentence.

"I may or may not have read your song journal. I really like eyes off you."

"It's quite fitting for this moment don't you think. I mean I've got crazy thoughts running through my head right now."

"Let me put those at rest for you." I was already quite levelled with him due to my height in heels so I connected our lips, feeling instant tingling. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to do this for quite some time.

Brandon and I stood in the middle of the dancefloor and all I could taste was the sweetness of his cherry liqueur. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip and I immediately allowed him entrance. Our lips moved in sync as the sweet taste of vodka and brandy intertwined. His dominance made me feel weak but I loved it. His teeth tugged onto my bottom lip, emitting a moan from my mouth and all he did was smirk. After what felt to be an eternity. I pulled away, in dire need of oxygen to return to my lungs. I removed my arms around his neck before giving him a soft lingering kiss.

"I'll see you around Arreaga."

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