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Zion POV

"Yeah okay so it's all ready, you guys can come drive in."

"You ready for this Z. It could go either way." I listened to Kekeli's slightly nervous tone and felt her exact emotions.

"It's the only shot I have and it's a shot worth taking."

"Ok, we'll be there in a minute." I mumbled a goodbye before terminating our call and began pacing once more.

Austin returned from the woods and dumbed the rest of the firewood in our make shift fire-pit. I gave him a tiny lop-sided smile due to the nerves that had taken over me and all he did was let out his husky chuckle before coming over.

"You've got this. She'll agree to stay, I mean what girl would say no to all of this? A fucking dumb one if you ask me."

"Ay, there's more to this. Even if she does say yes, she's gonna bring up the past. I just know she will."

"And this is your opportunity to fix shit Zion. Just take this leap and face your fears."

"Yeah I guess... well I'm gonna go in now. Stand in the spot and only come out once I'm out the car. k?"

"Been through this how many times now? I came up with this plan so trust me, I know it." I just laughed at my best friend as he hid behind the bonnet of the car and I entered into the passengers seat. I grabbed a hold of the bouquet of roses and the paper bag containing her gifts, readying myself for her arrival. I may have looked calm and collected on the exterior but I was in fact a wreck inside. I just put so much thought into her gift, all the way down to the pillows and blankets I bought for this. I just wanted it to be perfect so she could once again remember that I was not a terrible person.

Through the rear view mirror, I caught sight of the G-Wagon that parked right behind the truck. I shifted my gaze to Austin who had his phone in position to make sure this moment will never be forgotten as it's caught on film, he aided my nerves by giving a warm, encouraging smile and I returned it with the same gift. My eyes flicked back to the mirror and I watched intensely as Antheia removed her blindfold, immediately entering a state of shock. I heard what sounded like a faint what's going on and at this moment I decided to reveal myself.

I opened the door and grabbed the items in which I had picked out to gift her with. Upon sight if me, her eyes grew larger and a lot glossier... I was the last person on Earth she'd be expecting to do such for her. I turned back to check if Austin was doing his job and as promised, there he stood, taking a video, Kekeli behind Antheia mirroring his actions. I walked slowly towards her, attempting not to overwhelm her nor myself. I finally stopped myself once we were a few inches apart.

"Guess I was the last person you were expecting to see?" I watched as she struggled and stumbled over her words in order to find the right words to say.

"I- like. What's going on Z, what's all of this?" Her beautiful voice cracking as tears rolled down her soft cheeks.

"I know it's a long shot but I wanted to surprise you, spend time with you again. I remember watching the sunset on your roof was always your favorite thing to do so I thought why not do it again... At my favorite spot. So what do you say... Wanna be my Valentine?" I let out a heavy breath as I concluded my speech as I was surprised I hadn't stumbled over any wording.

"Wow..." I'll admit, at this exact moment, as so as that one word escaped her beautiful plump lips, my heart froze a little. I had a feeling I'd be dealing with rejection soon.

"You don't have too. I-I just really w-wanted to make it up to you becau-" I was cut off by the feeling of her lips being pressed against mine. In the background, all I could hear were the voices of Austin and Kekeli cheering us on and it made me happy... I'm guessing this was a yes. She finally parted ways with me, leaving a lingering longing for lips once more.

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