Antheia POV

Today was the day, the day I actually start the dream job, well internship. I got an email late last night saying hey had a backup photographer but I still had to pitch up to help set up and take a few shots of my own. I got up out of bed with a small smile on my face as I read the text from Jack wishing me good luck on the job. I walked to my semi packed suitcase and grabbed an outfit that was comfortable enough to work in. I was field day today so I really didn't require anything that fancy.

I looked down at my phone. 8:32, I was still on schedule. I grabbed my camera and all the different lenses needed and placed them in their cases before placing all of them in a box. I looked around my study to make I had everything I needed to take with me. Once I was ready I made my way out the apartment and down to my car. I felt my phone ringing and placed the box in the passenger seat before I looked down at the caller ID. It was Brandon. I stared at it for a while before I finally decided to just reply and hear him out.

"Oh thank fuck, I thought you were going to ignore for the rest of my life." A little smile played on my lips before I replied.

"What you need? I need to get to work."

"I was wondering if we could meet up, I really want to speak to you. Even if we don't become a thing, I still want to be your friend." I was hesitant for a moment but figured why not, I really do dig his vibe.

"Ok so I've got a shoot today and we're meant to be done by at least 3, so how about you and I meet at 4, Venice Beach, Poke-Poke."

"Set. I'll see you then, enjoy your shoot today."

"Same to you, I'll see you later." I immediately ended the call right after the call and set off in my car. After a short yet anxiety filled ride, I arrived at the beach and immediately saw a bunch of people holding photography equipment. I know I was early but I wanted to set a good first impresssion. I walked up to the crew, introducing myself until I was faced with the photographer. I looked up at quite a young face and he immediately smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, I'm Tyler Mitchell. I'm guessing you must be Antheia Campbell, my assistant for today."

"Uhh, yeah. I'm excited to be working with you. I mean you shot Beyonce... Do you know who we're shooting today?" He was scanning my body when he realised I asked a question and he looked up at me.

" A boyband, Prettymuch. They should be here in about an hour so, for now, you can let the crew set up and let me check out your work." I immediately bent down and retrieved a file in the box. I handed it to him and watched him walk away. Thank the lord, he gives me the creeps. In his absence, I went to one of the restaurants along the pier and decided to research the subjects for today's shoot.

I ordered my food and immediately went onto Safari and typed in Prettymuch. My heart clenched as I looked at the members. Not only was it Edwin and Nick, the guys I met at Johnson's place but it was Brandon's band as well, as in Brandon Arreaga but what scared me the most, was the name Zion Kuwonu, as in my ex-boyfriend of 5 years Zion Kuwonu. I immediately went off the internet and dialled my sisters' number, I had tears running down my face, I'm not at all ready for what's going to happen here, I haven't seen him since graduation day and I don't know if I'll even be able to look at him without crying. After 2 rings that felt like an eternity, Aphrodite finally answered her phone.

"Hey lil sis, how-" I immediately cut her off, I just needed to be heard.

"Aph I can't do this shoot... I won't be able to do this shoot."

"Liste, babe, stop crying. You're going to go great its just nerves."

"It's not nerves, its Zion... Zion Kuwonu. I'm doing the shoot for his band." The other side of the line immediately became silent and I heard her mumble a few shits over the phone. I sat there tears rolling down my face, trying to figure out how the hell I was going to face this shoot.

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