Can my life possibly get any worse

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I was stuck with Emmett and Jasper tonight while Edward was out hunting with the rest of the family. And of course, they had resulted to pulling pranks on me.

Edward should have known better. Now I was hiding in the very deepest part of Alice's very large closet. It didn't help that Jasper played with my emotions so I had no choice but to agree to play their games. Had Alice not seen this in one of her visions?

Emmett was downstairs pretending not to know where I was because of course he could smell me a mile off. Emmett's footstep were distinct; The whole house shook when he walked. Jasper on the other hand was the exact opposite a quite as a ghost.

Suddenly the door flew open with a mischievous-looking Jasper sauntering in. I clinged to the clothes rack in the closet and turned my head away and when I looked again he was gone.

It was quite for a few seconds, then "Boo!" I screamed I almost had a heart attack. Emmett might be the biggest, most intimidating of the Cullen's, but he had nothing on Jasper. The fact that he still had some trouble controlling himself, put together with the most frightening and menacing look he can give you, And also he can make you feel fear, is the most terrifying thing i have experienced, well other than Edward leaving.

" have.......seen.......your......FACE!" He chocked out between fits of laughter. "Not funny Jasper" I managed to say after I caught my breath. "Come on, Bella  , we don't BITE" he barely managed to say the last word before he broke into another fit of laughter.

Jasper picked me up and ran downstairs. He dropped me on the couch, and sat in the single chair next to me. Emmett walked in placing a video camera on the top of a shelf. Oh great, whatever horrible, embarrassing thing they were going to get me to do was going to be on camera. Wonderful.

"Bella there is no need to be afraid, you won't get hurt...... i think" Jasper mumbled the last part not realising I could hear. A new wave of fear came crashing down on me.                                                    "I'm only KIDDING!" he shouted before I made a run to the door. "Thanks so much Jasper" i mumbled knowing they could hear. Emmett broke out into loud guffaws, then he collected himself to speak.

"Dont worry Bella we're only playing truth or dare...... Cullen style"

"OH NO". a voice screamed in my head.

EEEEMMMMMEEETTT! (Twilight Humour)Where stories live. Discover now