Dreading my dare

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Jasper picked me up and slug me over his back, and took off running once again. When we reached the house, Jasper plonked me on the sofa then Emmett entered Dun Dun Dun! I don't think i was breathing. "So Bella"... Emmett declared " "Truth or Dare?" damn it i don't know what to choose if i choose dare then they would give me something life- threatening. If i choose truth then they would ask me about what i get up to with Edward behind closed doors. "I choose dare"

A disappointed look crossed his face, and then his lower lip slipped into a pout, it was a funny site seeing a big guy like Emmett pouting but i was not in the mood for laughing when my whole life is at risk. His pout however quickly turned into a evil grin "mwaaaaaaaa" he said in his best impression of a evil villain.

"OK!, i dare you to go to Mike Newtons house climb through his bedroom window and kiss him"

I was playing dead so that i wouldn't have to do the dare. In the mean time though I was listening into Emmett's and Jasper's conversation.

"I think you killed her of shock Emmett" "I didn't, do i control her NOOO! so don't blame me" Emmett bawled.

"You gotta admit that my dare was pretty good wasn't it" Emmett said sounding chuffed with himself. I decided to quit with the play dead opition. I got up weakly to play along with my acting skills "Hey Bells" Emmett said "Go do your dare now, i am getting impatient" He stood there glaring at me tapping his foot

This could not be happening, they wanted their brother's soul mate to go into his enemies house and KISS HIM!

"Why do you want your brother's wife to kiss his enemy" I said clearly very frustrated.

"Because it will be funny to his face when he watches it" Emmett said whilst waving the camera at me. "YOU WOULDN'T! "

"I Would!" The worst part isn't kissing him it is the fact that it will hurt Edward, whether he knows that i didn't want to kiss him or not, it will hurt him. I felt a warm tear brewing im my eye, I quickly wipe it away before they see.

"Bella we'd better get going" Jasper said trying hard not to snigger or smirk. With that we headed over to the Newton's residence.

When we got there, we went round the side, "BUT IT'S A TWO-STORY HOUSE" i whispered loudly in Emmett's face. "Have you forgotten we're vampires" Emmett replied and slung me over his back. Him and Jasper scaled the side of the house with amazing grace. We reached the window and looked in, it was Mike's room. Dear god it's a total mess. Clothes and garbage everywhere. I mean he's a teenage boy, what else would I expect. Mike was sitting at his computer with his back to us, so Jasper silently slid the window open and Emmett did the honours of throwing me in litterally. I landed with a crash and hit my head on somthing hard. Oww. I heard Jasper and Emmett's sniggers and laughs from outside.

"WHO'S THERE" Mike said in utter shock spinning round to face me. "Bella? what are you doing climbing through my window?" he said questioning my sanity. Well i might as well get this over and done with. So i grabbed Mikes head and kissed him.

I meant to kiss him quick, a little peck. But instead Mike grabbed me to and deepend the kiss. His breath smelled horrible. I tried desperately to loosen his grip but he just wouldn't loosen. He was still onto me so i decided to scream "MIKE GET OFF ME!" again Mike showed no reaction to my screaming either. In that instance Jasper and Emmett was towering over Mike, and Mike was off me. Jasper threw him across the room (in a humanly way) and Emmett sure gave him a black eye. But at least they tried to be human. For once.

I would never forgive them if Edward saw that. I felt bad but then again it does feel good being bad for once... With that thought we were off.

Emmett was first out the window and I climbed onto back Jasper's shoulder's and he started running once again.

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