Running From Alice

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It had been a week since the 'Truth and Dare' incident, and finally i'm not blue anymore. It took a whole week a whole lot of bleach, soap and lemon juice. I'm sitting on my bedroom floor working on my homework. Edward had to leave and will be back in a little while.

'RING! RING! RING!' My phone went off in my backpack. I jumped off the bed and dug around in my bag feeling for my phone.

"Hello?" i asked not bothering to look at the caller ID. I didn't want to miss a call.

"Bella!" Edward said sounding relived. What the heck was up? i thought.

"Yes Edward, what's up?" i sounded a little anxious

"Alice is on her way to kidnap you to go shopping!" He said AHHHH!. All girls would love to go shopping but with Alice it is like a fan girl meeting One Direction or something.

"Bella?" Edward asked snapping me out of my day dream.

"Oh damn" i quickly put on my coat and shoes.

"What are you doing?" Edward asked obviously hearing my heavy breathing and the noise from running.

"I'm trying to escape" i yelled as if it was obvious, i mean come on wouldn't anyone else do the same?

"Bella you can't out run Alice" Edward said chuckling. I ignored him running futher into the woods.

"EEK!" i yelled tripping over a tree root.

"BELLA! ARE YOU OK?" he said yelling into my tiny phone i had dropped, i got up and grabbed it.

"yea, just tripped over a tree root" i ran about a mile tripping and stumbling all the way. If you're wondering why Edward didn't come and save me its because Alice has her own way all the time and when Alice has her mind set on something there is no changing it.

I stopped at a tree which was split at the bottom, it was just big enough so i could squeeze into. Edward was still on the phone.

"Where are you?" he asked sounding a little nervous about the whole thing

"I'm hiding in the hollow truck of a tree"

"Bella this isn't such a good idea..."

"Edward i'll be fi-" i was cut off by the sound of twigs and the rusling of leaves. I kept quite so Edward was quite to.

The tree split open revealing a demon... Alice.

Emmett's POV:

We all huddled around the phone, which was on speaker, listening to Bella who was on the run from Alice. Which i don't blame her for but unfortunately it was impossible.

Everything went quite, then we heard a massive ripping noise. Bella screamed and obviously started running again. Then we heard a crashing noise, probably the phone knowing Bella's clumsiness.

"Bella what am i going to do with you, you didn't ACTUALLY think you could out run a physic vampire did you?" we faintly hear Alice say in the background. Damn she sounded scary even for a vampire.

We heard scream and slopping noises "NOOOO!!! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" Bella yelled going futher and futher away from her phone. Then a loud "AHHHHHH!" which sounded like it belonged to a horror movie.

About 5 minutes later Alice came back dragging Bella, who was still trying to run the other way, COMPLETELY covered in wet dripping mud, twigs and leaves. I erupted into laughter.

"HAHAHA! YOU LOOK LIKE A HALF-DROWNED CAT!!!!" i screamed. Everyone, including Edward was laughing.

"at leat i don't look like a half-eaten BEAR!!" she screamed from upstairs. Edward broke out into total laughter. Well this is what happens if you try to run from Alice.

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