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"Ooohhhh no...." I said, glaring at Emmett. Everyone turned to stare at him. "Edward what is he thinking?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off Emmett's maniac smile.

"I don't know, he's blocking his thoughts with 'I Know a Song That Gets On Your Nerves'" Edward whispered back, uneasy. Then Emmett let out a LOUD, booming laugh, that made Mike, Lauren, and Jessica jump. We all knew it was coming, so we weren't startled. The next thing we knew, Emmett pulled a basket-out of thin air filled with cookies. HIS cookies. Oh, damn it.

My eyes about popped out of my head as I ran over across the room and hid behind the teacher's desk. Edward sighed, exasperated.

"Bella, please come out from under the desk."

"NO WAY!" I yelled, and snuck a glance at Mike, Lauren, and Jessica. Mike was confused, Lauren looked disgusted, and Jessica looked-well, like she was trying to find some good gossip in this.

"Well, then I'll just have to come get you." He said, getting up and striding over to where I hid. He kneeled down, and stared at me with his beautiful, golden eyes. He was dazzling me again. I felt like I couldn't think or breathe, and forgot about Emmett. He's such a cheater.

"That's not going to work, cheater." I said, smiling at him.

"Don't make me use force, Bella...."

"You. Wouldn't. Dare." His smile grew, and he leaned closer to whisper in my ear, "They aren't for YOU..." what? The cookies weren't for me? Then wh-oh. HAHA. I'm sure I looked like an idiot right now grinning wildly. He reached his hand out and I took it, coming up from under the desk. We walked back over to the excited Alice, and grinning Emmett.

"Bella, you hurt my feelings. Don't you trust me??" Emmett pouted. I turned to face him with a wicked scowl.

"Well, that answers your question, Emmett." Rosalie laughed. Emmett frowned. Then he got up, carrying the basket, and literally skipped over to Mike, Lauren, and Jessica. We all let out a laugh.

"My dear friends, would you like some cookies? I made them myself-" Emmett said in his most girly voice. We all laughed. Mike looked like he wanted a cookie, but not sure whether Jessica and Lauren would want one. Jessica and Lauren looked at them with disgust. "Here, I'll even eat one myself so you can see-" he picked one up and took a huge bite, then swallowed. I turned to Edward with huge eyes.

"Vampires don't react to that stuff..." he whispered. I turned my head back around just in time to see Mike, Lauren, and Jessica all take cookies. They took bites, and their eyes seem to pop out of their heads. They started devouring the cookies. Emmett left the basket there and skipped back to us. Mike was finishing the last cookie when the principal walked in, to stare at a wasted and crazy Mike, Jessica, and Lauren.

"You...may all.....leave...." the principal said, staring at the three, with a confused expression.

"PRINCE-I-PAL! YOUR HEAD IS ON BACKWARDS!" Lauren yelled, while Jessica sat up-side-down in her chair, "NOOO Laur-Laur, it's UP-SIDE-DOWN!!!" we all cracked up laughing, then I remembered something. I turned to look at a crazy looking Jasper.

"We need to get him OUTTA HERE!" I hissed at Emmett. Jasper was taking in a breath to speak, when Emmett grabbed him and tossed him on his shoulder. The Principal turned to face us, "What is going on here?" he asked, eyeing Emmett suspiciously.

"Uhhh....I have no clue! NADA!....EDWARD! GRAB HER! RUN!!" He yelled after seeing the look on the principal's face. Edward scooped me up, and we ran out to the parking lot. They all jumped in the Volvo, but Alice. Alice went with me in my truck. We were going to drop it off at Charlie's. Then we caught site of the Principal running outside.

"DRIVE! DRIVE! DRIVE!" Emmett yelled, and we took off. I drove my normal pace of 55 mph, with Edward driving behind me, and Emmett in the front seat. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Edward sigh at my slow pace. When I was almost to Charlie's, Emmett started banging his head against the dashboard. Alice and I laughed the rest of the way, thinking about the funniest day I had ever had.

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