Chapter 1 Jack

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Hi, I'm Lelewolflover but call me Lele. Now, most of you who have been with me for a while know that this is the new story and yes I did say I would probably use the first chapter... but I didn't and started new. I have a whole new plot and some new characters and a few things from the original books that I put my own creative twist on but that will come later! Just some info for you guys, You are immortal so age is however old you want (however you are over a century and a half old), OH and this is after Jack becomes a guardian. The next chapter will go over some backstory, also, language will be a thing. Everything goes to its rightful owners and hope you enjoy :)


Walking alone after a long day of work made it hard to believe you were important. A normal happy life is all you want, but nobody gets what they want all the time. To belong was a need for you, your life a hell beyond your control.

'No' you closed your eyes holding back the tears. You're depressed again, another day of this fake life all because of who you are, on the outside, a girl without a father and your mother an alcoholic slut. Though she wasn't your real parent you had to stay with her. Heh, that's the catch isn't it? You don't want to live with her, then again you need to.

"I need you, Jack, please..." you stopped and looked at the forest before you, just beside Jamie Bennett's old house before he moved.

The 'for sale' sign still plastered on the front door. Taking a breathe you started into the cluster of trees. You kept walking, taking in the calm world around you until you came to the secretive pond that always represented winter. Iced over water and snow glittered in the sunlight making it all the more beautiful.

Stepping onto the ice, it wasn't slick enough to just start sliding around clumsily on, so you began to glide across it ever so gracefully. The corners of your mouth lifted slightly at the feeling, freedom, peace and,


You fell on the ice with snow dusted on your cheeks and forehead as you realized what happened, you were hit in the face by a snowball. "Who the-?" You ducked as another one came at you.

"Jack!" The white-haired sprite laughed as he flew over to you.

He helped you up while still laughing, "you were such an easy target, ow!" You punched his shoulder.

"Jerk! And I was moving so I couldn't have been that easy to hit," you stated watching Jack massage his shoulder.

"Um it's Jack and do you know how many moving things I've hit in 300 years ?" He snapped back.

Rolling your eyes at him, you walked off the ice with said spirit hovering behind you, "wait (y/n) why are you here in the first place? I mean, I know I said you could visit anytime but you do remember I was over in Russia for a few weeks right?" He stood in front of you on the edge of the pond.

You looked away from him, "I know, but I just needed a break that's all, and not seeing you for a few weeks kinda made me hold it all back, so I just decided to come over and just... try to feel better." You turned your head.

You were suddenly embraced by Jack, "I'm sorry, but I'm here now. So talk to me."

You told him everything, about your mom and your work. After you told him everything he got mad, as usual. Jack didn't like the way you were treated. But instead of him flipping out he decided it would be best to help keep your mind off the subject, so he started talking to you about the Guardians, who you knew, obviously.

First, he brought up Sandy and Tooth, who were learning old magic spells that nobody's used in thousands of years. You asked questions about what spells they were, Jack only stated that they were keeping it a surprise. Then he updated you on Santoff Clausen, which Kathrine and Ombric now teach at a new academy built there recently. You even have your old friend Zera who is attending, odd for her, but nice to hear. He mentioned how Cupid and Zeras brother Zeke were touring to other special places around the world

"Now, you wanna know what North and Bunny did to make Christmas versus Easter so much better this year?" You giggled, recalling last years 'attempt' of North making Christmas more special, you could only imagine what he did this time.

"Hmm?" You thought for a second, "gee I don't know, last year was pretty big so I don't know if anything could pass giving every kid their favorite pie or cake or giving out little ornament eggs."

Now it was Jacks turn to laugh, "yeah that was big, but this year, oh it was just mean," he paused for a second." try putting a chocolate egg and rabbit ornament in every. single. stocking" you broke out laughing with tears.

"How did Bunny take that?!" You managed to calm down a bit.

"Bunny well, he wasn't happy. But he did give a little gift of his own." Jack said.

Oh you could only imagine, "oh my gosh was it just as bad?" Jack nodded.

"Yeah, he uh put little lights on some of the eggs and in every chocolate egg he handed out, a little peppermint candy was inside. Plus he let a few kids have some carvings he did" Jack finished with you laughing.

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and pulled it out to see it was your mom, "um, give me a second."

After a few seconds of yelling from the other end, you hung up and grabbed the bridge of your nose and sighed, "I gotta go.. she's either drunk or high again"

"You know you don't have too." Jack sounded as upset as you felt.

You turned to him and grinned, "yeah tell Ombric that then maybe he'll finally let me leave."

There was a pause, then you sighed. Holding out your arms a ways you motioned for a hug. He gave in and hugged you back, you like hugs.

"You know how to find us," Jack whispered.

"Yeah, I do"

He held you for a second before finally letting you go.


Ayy and that's chapter one everybody! Hope you liked it and stick around for more cause there's a whole book left! I'll catch y'all later BYE!!

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