CH. 03

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"Forgiving him?"

"FORGIVING HIM?!"Maddie screeches as the realization of what I just said kicks in

After the whole 'Alessio' situation. My mom went to work and Cara went to her boyfriend's house for a party.

So, Maddie and I returned to my house and began putting ice on my back after bruising it from my 4 foot tumble off the fence.

"I don't know. Maybe I should give him a chance, he seemed like he really meant what he said..."I say trailing off as Maddie blinks repeatedly

"Fuck no. Let him work for your forgiveness. His speech didn't do shit for me."Maddie huffs

"Though... you gotta admit, he's low key cute."She giggles and I squeal

"THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING!"I grin and soon frown as my thoughts overcloud my judgement.

"Jesus, wait... I can't... Ya know 'like' him... Right?"I mumble and she shrugs

"I wouldn't blame you, but for entertainment purposes, let's see what 'anything and everything' really means."She says and sips her juice box.

"You're right."I reply and stand once the pain had cooled off.

"Now, let's start over and watch high school musical."

* * *

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"The hell was that?"Maddie whispers and we immediately turn off the t.v. and the lights.

"Shit, your house is getting robbed, Luna!"She whisper-yells and I panic

I ran to the storage room and grabbed a baseball bat.

Rushing out, I jump at the sight of Maddie holding the butcher knife my mom uses to cut pork.

"Defense purposes."She shrugs

"We need to call the police."I whisper and she gives me a 'tsk'

"We need to confirm the fact that it's a robber first. What if it's a raccoon?"She says sounding reasonable

"When the fuck has there been a raccoon that we've seen?!"I question and she raises an eyebrow

"Let's go upstairs and look down to see."She whispers ignoring my statement

"You got so damn serious and well prepared for this, Maddie."I mumble and she chuckles

"I know, I though I would hide in the washing machine in these situations but I'm ready to stab a bitch."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Wait a minute..." I whisper dropping the bat on the floor and heading to my window seeing Alessio finding little rocks in my yard.

"It's Alessio."I whisper and quickly retreat from the window.

"Fuck, fix your hair. Show him what he's missing! Put on some lip gloss."She says and I quickly spread the gloss on my chapped lips

Sorry, but I wasn't expecting a visit from a cute guy WHO IM MAD AT...(I think?)

"Okay, let me open the window and be all like the hell you think you are, fucking Romeo?"She cheekily smiles and she opens the window with a smug look

"Ah, and what would the unreliable dick like from the beautiful princess?"She quizzically asks raising a brow

I roll my eyes

"I would like to talk to her... alone."He answers



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