CH. 23

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I watch as she storms out with tears coming out of her eyes. I can't blame her, what I did was the most fucked up thing ever.

But god damn it she was never supposed to know.

I had gone to tell Coraline not to tell anyone about what happened between us but one thing led to another and we woke up naked on her bed the next day.

I'm literally the biggest dumbass in the world.

"You're kidding me right?"Maddie asks staring at me and I shook my head

"You piece of shit!"She growls tackling me onto the floor

"How could you do this to her?!"She question giving me a punch on my jaw

I attempted to grab her arms so she would stop but she was too fast.

After she punched my eye I was sure to have it bruising and swelling an hour later.

Suddenly she stops.

I open my eyes and watch as she holds her face in her hands crying.

"How could you do this to her after all the shit she's been through?"She sobs and Jeremy helps her up

"You've caused her so much pain! Did you even realize that the anniversary of her mom and sister is coming up?!"She screeches and I watch as the security comes over to us

"You guys are causing quite the commotion over here. I want you all off of the property before I call official authorities."He hissed silently and we all went out

"I hope you know that she'll never forgive you."She said as she walks to Jeremy's car but he stays back

"This... Damn, dude. Get your shit together. I don't even know what to say other than you're an absolute jackass who doesn't deserve Luna. This isn't like you, man..."He mutters before walking off leaving me alone on the side of a grocery store with a security guard giving me a death stare

"Fuck."I groan beginning to walk to the gas station

How the hell could I be so damn stupid?

I could've just told her that way we could move on from that.

Once I walk inside, my eyes lay on her paying for a pack of skittles.

"Mariposa, please let me explain-"

"I don't need you to explain, you lied, you cheated. That's on you. Unless, there's more girls?"She chokes out as her eyes puff out

I haven't seen her cry like this since... since she told me what happened with her parents.

"Why do you call your mom Hazel?"I asked in confusion and she shook her head

"She's not my real mom, you know?"She mumbles and I frown


"She adopted me when I was 9... My actual family died."She said and I could see that her eyes were tearing up but she blinked them away

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