CH. 07

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It was the day of Jeremy's birthday 'extravaganza' and I kid you not, this dude was going insane.

He couldn't find 'the right outfit'

Maddie and I were in his and Alessio's hotel room as he changed in the restroom.

Alessio has apparently left early to go with the others.

They were gonna be here for about two-three months for the movie which I didn't really mind because, I suppose that the both of them are my officially my friends.

I was laying on my stomach on the bed with Maddie talking about how her future boyfriend would have to pay  her surgery for her fat to be moved to her ass.

"Wouldn't it hurt? Like why do you want a bigger ass? I genuinely don't think that your ass needs anything, it's big enough."I say and she rolls her eyes playfully

"It's not big enough for me, I wanna put on some jeans and have my ass looking juicy and shi-"

"Why the fuck are y'all talking about booty surgery?"Jeremy asks and I sit up

"You're ready!"I squeal

"I don't really know, I feel like I could do better-"


* * *

We had walked out of the Uber that Jeremy ordered and walked out to get inside the movie theatre.

We were walking to the benches where a group of about two people were standing.

I almost freeze as I watch some girl... on Alessio's lap.

I gulp and shrug it off as we get closer and Jeremy scoffs

"Ew, it's that annoying bitch Coraline again. Don't worry, I don't like her and you probably don't like her either cause she's passing boundaries on your man."He whispers and I elbow his stomach

"Once again, not my man."I angrily huff

"Somebody's jealous, right Jer?"Maddie giggles and I glare at her

"Hey guys!"Jeremy grins and I smile at his enthusiasm

I glance at Alessio who was too busy laughing about something that annoying bitch Coraline said-

Oh my god.

She's not an annoying bitch.

I don't even know her, why did I judge so fast? She might be the sweetest girl on planet earth and here I am 'that annoying bitch, Coraline' inside my head.

Please forgive my sins, my lord. Coraline really didn't deserve anything bad coming her way.

"Meet my two new friends guys! This is absolute glamour is Maddie and this adorable munchkin is-"Jeremy doesn't get to finish before 'Coraline' stands up to say

"Oh my gosh! You're the Luna Cortez! You're so pretty in real life."

I was correct. She seemed to be so nice straight off the bat.

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