CH. 26

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It hadn't even been a day but I couldn't get over the fact that Luna actually dumped me.

I scoff in anger at myself wanting to beat my own ass as I stared in the mirror. I groaned as I stepped out of my trailer to film the next scene.

I was so out of it, that my lines couldn't get straight emotion and passion. It was as if I lost it completely.

"What's wrong, kid? You're not doing so good today."My manager, Monica asks sternly

"She broke up with me, Monica."I sighed and her face softened as she watched my rub my face in frustration

"What happened now with that girl, Lucy, is it?"She questions as she waves off the producer

"It's Luna... I-I cheated and I've screwed up so many times before and she officially broke it off with me. I'm nothing without her, Monica. She was what I worked so hard for."I groaned as I felt my eyes sort of... water?

What the fuck? I'm crying. God dammit.

"Go take the rest of the day off. Cry if you want. But tomorrow, you need to get back up and work harder than ever, because you're gonna work on ways to prove how terribly wrong you acted and eventually get her back."She declared as she patted my shoulder and waved me off as she went up to the producer

I walk off into my trailer falling into bed as I wiped the tears before they could even fall.

* * *

I blinked my eyes as I awoke in confusion. It must've been midnight or later... earlier? I don't know.

I then heard a noise as if something crashed and I jumped up alert as I opened my door stepping out seeing two girls who I realized was Maddie and... Luna.

But they were in underwear as Maddie had a shirt stuck on her head as if she was trying it on or something.

"Shit. Have we been caught by someone?"Maddie groans as she fits into the black t-shirt looking at Luna them at me

Luna was frozen to her spot with sadness flashing in her eyes before she covers it with neutral ness. Like she didn't feel anything for me, ever.

But as always, Maddie opens her mouth.

"Oh, hell no! If you two are gonna talk again, I'm out of here."She scowls angrily flipping me off as she enters Hannah's trailer

"I-I did-"I began nervously but got cut off

"What do you want now, Alessio?"She sighs and I try not to avert my eyes from her... almost naked body.

"Can you um... put a blanket around you or something?"I awkwardly question looking up and away from her.

"Oh! Crap. Sorry."She mutters and from the corner of my eye I can see the silhouette of her throwing something onto herself

"You can look now."She whispers and I turn to her as her gaze on me locks onto mine

"So... we're really done?"I mumbled and she sits down on the steps next to me

"Maybe in another lifetime... We could've worked out. Maybe if we didn't have history, we could've. It's all about what if, ya know? What if I never fake dated Connor to get your attention, what if you never cheated-"

"You fake dated Connor to get my attention?"I gasped and she gulped widening her eyes

"Um... Yeah? The girls and Jeremy said we would 'find our way back to each other' at some point when you got all jealous. But... we did it the wrong way."She sheepishly explained with tinted cheeks

"Even if we are 'meant to be' as everyone says we are... We'll find our way back like we always do, right?"I ask and she frowns looking up at me

"We may find our way back, Alessio. But it'll never be the same again."

The words hit me to my core. They say that break ups hurt and I never understood what it meant. Heartbreak is what I was feeling right now. I didn't know how else to explain it.

My stomach was at my feet and my heart felt like it couldn't take such emotional pain. My eyes wanted to let out a stream of tears but I held back.

I felt as if I couldn't breath.

"Please, let me prove it to you. I promise you won't regret it, okay? I can't tell you how much I lov-"

"We've gone through this. This isn't love. Okay? I've let you prove it to me so many times and the results are never good... I don't regret it, though."She says and her hands graze over my cheek as I shut my eyes attempting to savor the moment

But as quick as it occurs, it's done when she pulls her hand back gulping.

"I need to start thinking about what's best for me... I'll always keep you in mind though."She mutters and I frown as it sounded like a goodbye

She wasn't leaving though, we would see each other when we hung out with the group... Won't we?

"Wait... Can I have one last kiss?"I asked

She stands up and looks at me shaking her head and slowly walks away to Hannah's trailer. I sighed in distress as I began walking inside my trailer unlocking the door.

But I felt a tug in my hand causing me to turn around before I felt lips on mine.

I kissed back passionately and she pulls away pecking my lips one more time. She gives me a small smile giving me a hug and I was so happy at that moment.

Because I knew, that Luna Cortez, my Mariposa, still loved me, as much as I loved her. Though she didn't quite believe it just yet.

I'm not spoiling anything so my lips are sealed. Lmao, thanks for those who are still sticking around.😁

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