Bonus Chapter : Maddie and Hannah

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M A D D I E   

We entered the house and the smell was terrible but that evidently didn't stop people from having fun.

My eyes somehow land on a girl who looked absolutely gorgeous. Words couldn't describe her beauty, Jesus almighty.

I fail to realize that she looked up at me as well and was staring my direction.

"Ooh, go talk to him."I hear Luna giggle and I frown in confusion


"The guy you're staring at, go talk to him."She responds in a 'duh' tone causing a blush to creep up my face

I forgot she didn't know yet...

Or at least I haven't told her.

"Oh! Uh- no."I quickly add with a sigh

I should probably tell her now. Like have it be random instead of something soapy and corny.

I open my mouth to casually say 'I'm bisexual.' But she beats me to speak

"What happened to my confident Maddie? You know what? I'll go talk to him-"She says preparing to walk over but I stop her

"NO! Uhm, I'll go."

I began walking over to where the guy who was on his phone because he seemed to be close to the area in which I was staring.

"Hey, you wanna play truth or dare in the basement?"

I gulped as I turn to the girl and she had a smile on her face that was freaking fabulous. I turn to look at Luna to invite her but she seemed occupied being twirled by some guy.

I look back at the girl and she was waiting for my response.

"Yeah, sure."

"Great, come on. I'll lead the way!"She squeals and I almost melted at the cuteness

I almost had a fucking heart attack when she grabbed my hand to pull me through the dancing people.

I was breathing harshly since I was nervous which she probably noticed when she turned around.

She giggles shaking her head.

"I know, so many people up here make it hard to breathe, not many people are downstairs though so it'll get better!"She shouts over the music and I can only nod

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What do I say?

How do I act smooth while also finding out if she bats for the other team?

We begin stepping down into the basement and a group of people began cheering.

"Hey, you're back! And I see you've brought a friend, well let me say something, there are no rules in spin the bottle. If the bottle lands on you though, you go inside the closet and do god knows what!"A guy explained and I furrow my brows

"I thought this was truth or dare-"

"It was, but we got bored and well, here we are."He says shrugging and everyone began sitting in a circle. 

I pop a seat across from the girl who didn't break eye contact with me and she then smiles. I smile back. The guy next to me spins the bottle only for it to land on another girl.

"Well, you're about to have the hottest kissing you've had in a while."He smirks and she rolls her eyes playfully.

Once they enter, the group starts talking and the girl comes up to me and laughs.

"I completely forgot to introduce myself! I'm Hannah."She smiles

Hannah... that's her name.

"I'm Maddie,"I say realizing I was staring a bit too long because she turned to me and I felt like something flashed in her eyes... Or maybe it's just me.

Once the seven minutes have passed, they open the door and they come out looking a little awkward.

"How was it, Carter?"One guy hooted

"Great dude, she couldn't get enough of me!"He chuckled and she nudges him giving him a glare.

It was finally time for me to spin and I watched as it landed on... Hannah.

Holy horse shit. It landed on her.

"It's cool if you don't wanna, I can spin again-"I began but she stood up and giggled

"Dude, it's okay, unless you're not into girls like that."She reassures and I swear I felt my whole world flip

"No, I am- I mean- Ugh, it's okay."I embarrassedly smiled as I walked in with her while the guys catcalled us and told us to keep the door open for viewers.

Hannah flipped him off as she shut the door.

Hannah continued grinning and I took a leap of faith because well why not? I softly pulled her closer her face and lead her towards my lips.

I felt everything that I've never felt when I was with someone else. I felt the joy, passion and intimacy as we kissed.

Holy shit, she's a good kisser.

We heard a knock on the door and I quickly pulled away.

She giggles and I try not to stare too much as everyone looks at us.

"Maddie here, is a good ass kisser."Hannah cheered and  I widened my eyes

"Come on, let's go somewhere else."She smiles and grabs my hand leading me upstairs but that's when I remember about Luna.

"Shit! I actually have to get back to my friend, I totally ditched her."I said and she turns to me frowning

"If you don't wanna hang out with me, it's  totally cool, just don't lie about it."She said in serious tone and I shook my head

"What? No, it's not that, I would love to hang out with you! But, I've never been with a girl before and-"

"Relax! That's all you had to say."She said and I furrow my brows

"I actually do have to go see my friend though,"I said and she bit her lip

"Well then, I guess I'll see you around, yeah?"She suggests and I nodded

"Yes. I would really like that."I said sounding a bit too desperate

"Good, I'll be in the basement then,"She continues but grabs my face pulling me into a sweet kiss

"I do hope to see you around."She grins and waves at me as she walks away

Holy shit... I think I just met the love of my life.

HELLO guys, I added this bonus to introduce how Maddie and Hannah met since it was a hole in the book that I needed to fill. Also, I have a sequel to this series where these two gals get MARRIED and Luna needs to plan their wedding blah blah blah. Thank you guys so much for giving this book so much support! I love y'all so much!🥰💕💕

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