CH. 15

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We were boarding the plane to Miami which would be about a two hour flight. I was being seated with Jeremy, Maddie was with Hannah, and Connor was by a pregnant lady next to Maddie's row.

"So, how's Alessio?"He asked and this made my entire mood drop

Honestly, I was fucking done with all of Alessio's bullshit. He could kiss my ass. I had the right to be angry at him. He has fucked me over so many times, and expects me to forgive him just like that?

"The last time we saw each other, I slammed a door in his face."I shugged and he shook his head dropping the subject

"What's up with you and Connor?"

I then feel a blush creep on my face

"What-what do you mean?"I stutter and he widens his eyes

"You guys are the real deal now?"He questions

About two weeks ago, he and I were talking about depression and suicide. I was obviously worried about him when he brought up the subject.

I told him all about my life, how all of my family had... passed. He felt so selfish, he said it wasn't right for him to be sad when the happiest girl he knew had the hardest life.

One thing led to another, we did... stuff.

The thing is, I didn't actually... feel anything? I don't know.

I felt like we were just using each other.

At least I am.

"Shut up!"I hissed smacking his hand

"What the fuck? Have you guys kissed or something?"He questions even louder catching the attention of others

I slap his arm glaring at him and he gasps

"YOU GUYS GOT IT ON LIKE RABBITS?!"He screeched and I groaned covering my face in embarrassment while others stared at me with terror.

"WHAT!"I hear and I put on my head phones flipping them off (lmao imagine Amy when they saw Gigi's tin of 'special things' @ me if you know this reference lol)

He snatches them off giving me a god awful glare, and twenty minutes later after Jeremy's lesson on how mammals reproduce, I was beyond embarrassed by the row next to us who was laughing and giggling like crazy.

"Jeremy! Shut up."I huff and he makes a 'tsk'

"I really can't believe you."He mumbles and I frown


"I thought you and Alessio made up."He sighs and I roll my eyes

"Trust me, we made up. We're just simply not talking anymore."I say and it's his turn to roll his eyes

"Yeah okay."He grumbles

* * *

We had finally arrived at the hotel, the girls in one room, the guys in the other.

I fell into the bouncy cushion that greeted my body by throwing me into the air for a second.

"LETS GO TO THE BEACH BITCHES!"Hannah hollers stepping into the restroom with her bathing suit.

Maddie and I turn around taking off our clothes and slipping into our bikini's.

I had changed into a black two-piece putting on an oversized black mesh shirt.

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