CH. 16

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I was going along with the plan. When I saw Maddie give my a thumbs up and Hannah simply pointed to where Alessio was.

I grabbed Luna's hand and jumped inside the ocean quickly climbing back on.

A bunch of people had also jumped shortly after and I watched as Mads and Hannah ran up to where Connor was supposed to be.

So, the plan was, keep Connor distracted from the fact that Alessio was with Luna.

As bad as it was, we had to get Luna to forgive Alessio.


He was getting annoying as shit and she was being a stubborn idiot.

"Alessio is such an idiotic, egoistic and self absorbed jerk!"

She kept saying

"I just miss her so much, I gotta make her mine but she's with Connor."

He whined

God damn it, just get together already. I was fucking sick of this.

So Hannah, Maddie and I decided to play Cupid.

I quickly pulled the ladder in while nobody was looking and made it look like a simple accessory on the yacht's wall.

I watch as Alessio comes up meeting eyes with me and he nods signaling for me to quickly run to where the girls were supposed to be.

I stand outside the bedroom where Connor was suppose to be with Maddie who was pretending to be sick.

Okay, I had three drinks and one of them was spiked to make Connor fall asleep.

I take a deep breath before I walked in.

I swear, Maddie. If I get arrested because of this, your bitch ass is bailing me out, no matter how broke of a bitch you are.

This is illegal, oh my god.

I open the door preparing for my scene that I had studied for an hour.

"I brought drin- what's wrong?"

"Maddie's not feeling well, can you pass me one, I just had to carry her down here and I'm tired."Connor pants and I nod handing him the fizzy sprite.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it."He says and I nod

"Wait, are you calling me heavy?"Maddie questions and Connor shook his head

"No, it was just a lot of running."He chuckles

"Can you two stay here for a minute, I wanna talk to Jeremy alone."Hannah says and they nod as Maddie snuggles into the pillow

Of course she was enjoying this.

Hannah shut the door behind her and she looked at me with eagerness

"They're together, but I don't know for how long. I took the ladder so..."

"Yes! Oh my god!"She squeals and high fives with me

"Speaking of, it'll need to be about ten to twenty minutes before he actually gets tired."Hannah says and I nod

"Give me the binoculars."

* * *

I was on the top deck with the binoculars watching as they splashed water at each other laughing.

Must be nice.

"Are you spying on someone?"

I hear and I turn around seeing a girl who was... wow.

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