CH. 11

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"Yes, you heard it from them yourselves! It has been confirmed that Luna Cortez is in a relationship with Connor Mendes!"The teen news lady said

It had been a week since Connor and I went live and said we were dating. We went on fake dates but it was actually just us hanging out as friends.

Surprisingly enough, I wasn't getting as much hate emails from 13 year olds who claimed they were in 'love' with him

Honestly, I'm a little sad that Alessio hasn't come by... But he listened... right?

I wish he didn't listen... Maybe we could at least be friends... Or could we even do that?

I sighed as I was thinking about him AGAIN.

I, then have an incoming Group FaceTime from Jeremy.

I answer and see about 5 little squares that introduce the faces of Adrian, Hannah, Maddie, Jeremy, and my dear fake boyfriend, Connor.

"Hey guys!"I grin

"Hi sister."Jeremy chorused

"Hey babygirl."Adrian flirtatiously greets

"What the fuck, Adrian? That's Connor's girl."Hannah defends

"Preach it, babe."Maddie chirped

"Hello, love."Connor smiles

"It's a fake relationship though."Adrian says and everyone goes quiet with wide eyes

"It was Jeremy."He replies without question

"It wasn't my fault! He asked what was up with her and Alessio and it just... slipped?"

"What the hell, Jer?"Maddie laughs

"Adrien is no big mouth guys, the only person we have to worry about is Alessio."Jeremy announced

"Hold on, let me go to the restroom."I say and walk towards the restroom.

After doing my business and washing my hands, I almost step out but not before hearing... his voice.

"Nothing, I was bored since I'm coming back from Coraline's."He simply states and I don't know why but... I've never felt so... abandoned.

He chose her over me.

"What the fuck? You're with Coraline?!"Hannah exclaims

"Yeah. She was there for me when I needed someone, unlike others."He replies emphasizing the word 'others'

What a total fucking dumbass who doesn't deserve shit.

I decide that I'll walk out with my head held up high and pretend I didn't hear anything.

I open the door and head inside

"Guess what bitch is back!"I squeal as I hop on my bed

I look at my laptop and pretend to be surprised.

I widen my eyes and take out my phone to text my group chat with Jeremy and Maddie

What the fuck!? What's he doing here?? - Me

He called me... and I kinda... sorta... answered? Hehe🤦‍♂️ -Jer💙

Hold up guysss I have an idea!! - Mads💁‍♀️

"So guys, I was thinking, maybe we could do like a big double date!"Maddie exclaimed and I internally groan

"Omg, yes! It could be us, Luna, Connor, Jeremy, and Adrien!"Hannah grinned and I watch as Jeremy gasps

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