CH. 05

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"I mean, you're both 17, soon to be 18, so I wouldn't exactly say that it screams in appropriate."Cara says as she examines our outfits

"Did you even tell mom you were going?"She asks and I look down

"I mean she'll be at work until like... 5 AM, right?"I answer as I fumble with my fingers.

"You naughty child, if mom comes early, I'll tell her you had a sleepover with Maddie."She giggles and I sigh in relief

"BUT! I want a text every 2 hours you're gone, got it? Just because you're 17 doesn't mean you can be bad, I'm 20 and still living with mom but I ALWAYS notify her about my whereabouts, so, you will too, except you can notify me."She strictly states and I nod

"Got it, captain."

"And you! You will make sure she doesn't do anything stupid as she will do the exact same for you."Cara ordered Maddie and she grins

"Can't make any promises."

Cara rolls her eyes

"Don't be silly and make sure he wraps his silly!"She calls out as she goes upstairs

I laughed as we exited the house to my car and drove to the house that Jeremy's parents apparently rented for the night.

Once we were on the road, it was mansions but you could hear the VERY loud music.

Once I had eyes on the house, I wasn't surprised.

Honestly, it was like I imagined too.

You know how in movies people are outside with the cliché red solo cups? You know how the house is dark but there are different colored laser lights and LED lights? Yeah, it looked like it too.

"It's like the movies, Luna."Maddie whispers in awe

"Yeah, and we all know how it is in movies. If we for some reason get separated, don't drink anything from strangers, don't go upstairs to 'talk' privately with a stranger and most definitely, do not drink because I'm not dragging you to my house smelling like alcohol."I warn and she nods

"Got it. Can we go inside now?"She excitedly squeals

I roll my eyes again


We began to walk towards the door and as I was about to knock some random girl opens the door running outside to the fountain and releases her insides.

Okay, gross.

Maddie and I look at each other as if we were on uncharted territory.

The door wasn't closed and our fingers could probably fit through the gap.

I sigh as we just stared at the door before pushing it open and being our nostrils are greeted with the scent of bitterness. Most likely drugs, alcohol, vomit and sweat all mixed together. Our ears were greeted with the deafening music.

I step inside and see that nobody even realized the fact that we had entered the home.

I see bodies basically molded together in the living room which I suppose is the 'dance floor'

I turn around seeing Maddie staring at a corner and I look seeing some guy on his phone.

"Ooh, go talk to him."I giggled and she turns to me

Apparently, his. - ALESSIO SCALZOTTOWhere stories live. Discover now