CH. 20

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"Jeremy, you bitch ass whore!"Maddie gasps

"How was I supposed to know that they were about to do the nasty?!"Jeremy whines causing me to cringe

"Can we move on from this topic?"I ask and Maddie shook her head ferociously
continuing to yell at Jer.

"I agree. There is nothing you can tell us that will make me less angered at Jer right now."Hannah huffs

"I stopped them, okay?! They might've not even used a condom if it wasn't for me you dummies!"Jeremy retaliated and I sigh

"We were gonna use a condom, Jeremy. I'm on the pill too, I'm not stupid enough to bring a human being into the world with no experience."

"Ugh! This makes it even more frustrating."Maddie grumbled

"Why did y'all want us to have sex?"I ask and they looked at each other with grins

"Cause then all the sexual tension in the room would stop."Hannah simply stated and walked forward leaving me dumbfounded

Were him and I really that obvious?

We continued to walk to my photo shoot which was apparently a group photo shoot which meant I would be with others.

Once we arrived, a woman named Trisha came up to me and led me to the tent where I would change.

I changed into a halter with matching bottoms and unbuttoned jean shorts.

"How's this?"I asked and she hummed in response

"Let's make it more attentive, here's a lollipop and sun glasses."Trisha mumbled handing me the two items and pulling me outside

"Here, you'll skateboard a couple feet and fall into that guy's arms."She says and I nod weirdly

Okay, I thought this was a photo shoot.

"Don't worry, sweetie, you'll get payed extra since this'll be a commercial as well."A man named Davis mumbled and I nodded

I knew how to ride a skateboard but the part where I fell would be a little hard, I guess.

The crew gave me instruction on how to make it as if it was love at first sight and everything, which I understood.

But what if the guy didn't catch me?

I nervously sucked in a breath and looked up seeing the perfect guy.

Literally. You know that guy who looks flawlessly amazing? Blue eyes, blonde hair, jawline, cheekbones, dimples, and muscular with a charming smile?

He was standing in front of me.

But he still wasn't Alessio.

I gave him a small smile which he gracefully returned.

"ACTION!"The guy with the camera says and I began skating

I wait for the perfect moment to slip and I stop my body as the skateboard continues causing me to fall back.

But I didn't touch the ground.

I opened my eyes only to meet with his blue ones.

I slowly smile and he lifts me

"You should watch where you're going."He says and I nod pretending to be speechless

What a cliche.

"CUT! Let's do that again, Aaron didn't get the mic close on time."The producer says and I nod

After about five takes, Aaron finally managed to get the mic close to us.

I take a sip of my water we have to take a bunch of photos next.

But what was next couldn't prepare me enough to not tighten my fists.

From a view, I could see that bitch Coraline in a bathing suit as well walking towards the area I was in.

Alessio was also next to her with his jaw clenched.

"Ahh, Coraline! Get over here and take some photos!"Trisha hollers waving her over while Coraline stares with a smirk at me

"Hey there, Luna."She stated and I scrunch my nose in disgust

"Spare the small talk, sweetheart. We don't like each other, that's that. Just let me do my job and I'll let you do yours."I huffed walking over to Alessio

"You really don't know who I am... or what I can do, do you?"She giggles evilly and lowly enough for only me to hear

"Nope, and I couldn't care less."

"You know what? I'll let you find out yourself. Then you'll know that you never mess with me."She seriously said and walked over to 'Mr. Perfection' acting flirty

"What's that supposed to mean?"I asked Alessio to which he shrugged and held the back of his neck

"I-I don't know... Let's just focus on this."He stuttered and I raise an eyebrow to which he gulps and walks away.

I shrugged it off leaving it be since it might've been nothing...

If only I knew it wasn't.

* * *

"B-But it's really high..."Jeremy gulps and I nudge him

"We can get on together."I smile and he nods

I watch as Alessio rolls his eyes playfully and I grab Jer's hand pulling him into the seats

"How long does this ride last?"He asks the operator and she shrugs

"Twenty to thirty seconds. But you go quite far, so don't be bummed out. Sometimes you even go to four hundred feet."She bluntly answers and I hear him suck a breath in

"GET ME OFF!"He says once the ride begins to tilt upwards

We had decided to go to an amusement park which happened to be by the beach we were in after bickering about how much of a self-absorbed 'bitchy little bitch' that Coraline was.

We also decided to get on the ride called Slingshot, which shot up in the air three hundred and seventy five feet.

The ride launched into the air without warned causing Jeremy and I to get pulled into our seats from all the air pressure.

"HOLY MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!"Jeremy cursed dragging every word while closing his eyes as I laughed and screamed uncontrollably

"OH MY GOD JEREMY STOP YOU'RE MAKING ME LAUGH!"I shout as my stomach began to ache

It was a good type of pain though, the type where you laughed with joy until it hurt causing you to wish it never stopped.

Well, for me it did...

Until Jeremy stumbled off and barfed on the operator's legs

"What.. The.. Fuc-"

"EVERYBODY RUN!"Maddie hollers as we take off with speed

I'm sorry I haven't updated for like six days, I've been busy, I went to the beach which was literally the bomb. The hotel was literally top notch stuff (for me since my family isn't exactly the richest) Free breakfast and WiFi with a huge pool OH MYY GODDD

But don't worry cause a whole bunch of wack stuff is about to happen and I'll be updating daily AGAIN!

Vote and comment if you like!💜

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