CH. 28

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To say I wasn't happy was an understatement. My shoes were ruined, not that I cared but, they felt soggy on my feet.

I officially didn't like toddlers.

This child, who was an absolute bonkers abomination, thought it would be fun to drink three juice boxes and then continue to drink two hot chocolates, THEN eat a bag of gummy bears.

She began crying saying her tummy hurt a lot. The mother apologized but I didn't mind because it certainly wasn't my problem.

But it was most certainly my problem when she decided to projectile vomit all over the floor.

She cried out of embarrassment and I felt bad for thinking so rudely, but it didn't remove the awful smelling puke from my feet.

"I'm so sorry! Here's... sixteen dollars for your troubles, it's not much but uhm... I'm terribly sorry and my daughter is too!"The mother apologizes repeatedly until we finally exit going our separate ways and I go off to buy expensive shoes that should belong in the dollar store.

I take them to the restroom where many people could see me but I was too disgusted that I didn't care.

I took my shoes and socks off proceeding to wash my feet in the sink while squirting a bunch of soap to get rid of the sour scent.

People watched in horror and I rolled my eyes slipping into the cheap shoes that were so expensive. I grabbed my puke absorbed shoes and shove them in the trash.

I sigh as I walk outside hoping my roommate would be in front of the airport but instead, there's a really cute guy in a muscle-tee with khaki shorts holding a sign that said 'LUNA CORTEZ'

I walked over to him cautiously and he looked down at me.

"Are you Luna Cortez?"He asks and I nod raising an eyebrow

"Where's Vienna?"I ask and he nods

"Ahh, Vi, is still in the U.S. because she was asked for a few more hours."He says and I wrinkle my brows in confusion

"Wait, what? Who are you then?"

"I'm Vienna's brother. I run the place while she's not here."He says taking my hand and tugs me a little signaling for me to walk. I widen my eyes as he does this


"So, what brings you to Isla Mujeres? There's not many new people who come live here."

"I-I don't know... I'm trying to do something that's best for me. I'm trying to find myself."replied and he stops

"You do know you didn't have to move really far to do that, right? You do that yourself, not by coming to a new place."He states and I shrugged realizing we were still indeed holding hands which causes me to gulp

"This was where my parents met."I muttered as he let go of my hands making me mentally cry

"That's a story for another time, we gotta get going so I can do the honors of showing you around here."He chuckles and leads me to the Jeep which looked really nice

It looked so polished and utterly beautiful in its black glory.

I could see my reflection which got me to worry about my appearance in front of a really cute guy while he tossed my bags in the back of his car.

My hair was out of place and I had dry drool on my cheek along with a ketchup stain on my white shirt.

Oh god, he must think I'm a slob.

Apparently, his. - ALESSIO SCALZOTTOWhere stories live. Discover now