CH. 17

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Turns out, some guy who was a 'comedian' literally bit another girl's ankle and had a fin taped on his head.

We left him at a nearby beach which just so happened to be a nude beach.

It takes confidence to walk around naked in front of strangers.

We left which meant we were now far from the public eye and turned the music on from the speakers on full blast.

Apparently, Hannah's parents told the owners everyone was twenty one years and older so they wouldn't have to pay ten adults to come with us.

Which was only like a thousand dollars more to the two hundred thousand dollar cost.

But the yacht was enough, I can't complain.

Once again, Alessio and I were left alone.

"So, what were you gonna tell me?"I ask mischievously

"Nothing... Wanna go cliff jumping?"He replies and I frown

"Yeah... sure."

* * *

"Happy birthday to you,"Everyone began and I simply smiled as everyone took videos and photos

My anxiety levels were tipping their peak and I started to grip the chair I was in.

I watch as everyone begins cheering and I plaster a fake cheeky grin blowing the candles.

I blow the candles and they start cutting the cake. I stand and rush over to the other end of the dock.

I take deep breaths and finally walk to the lower level where the seven rooms were.

I walk to the first door in sight and open it as a click greeted my ears.

But Connor taking a nap also greets my eyes

"What the fuck?"

I say aloud and he stirs slowly sitting up.

Now that I realize it, I haven't seen him at all today.

Which I suppose is a good thing since I was with Alessio the entirety of today.

"Damn, what time is it, babe?"He asks

"It's eleven... in the night. Were you asleep all day?"I ask and he widens his eyes

"What the hell? I think. All I remember is that Maddie was having really bad cramps and fell on the floor so Hannah told me to bring her down here."He mumbles and I shrug

"Oh well, you didn't miss anything."I said a little too weirdly and he stares at me raising an eyebrow


"N-Nothing! How are you feeling?"I stammered nervously but he didn't seem to catch it

"Better now that you're here."He smiles and I playfully roll my eyes


"No, really... I am."He says and begins to smirk as I raised my brow

Two minutes later, I was pinned against the wall as Connor gently began kissing down my jaw.

"What the fuck?"I heard but before I could turn my head towards the person, the next thing I know is that Alessio and him are punching each other.

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