CH. 25

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"I don't know if this is what I want."I mumbled and Hannah shook her head

"Maybe not, but it's what you need."She continued

"Are we gonna talk about ways to murder him yet?"Maddie huffs in distress causing Connor to snort

"Trust me, Mads. That dude is more than buried in my head."Connor responds and she slowly began grinning

"If I wasn't into Hannah, I'd be into you."She said and he chuckles

"I'm taking a break on girls."He says and I look up at him as he gives me a small smile

Guilt falls upon me as I had ignored that Connor was basically one of my ex boyfriend's and I kind of sort of broke his heart by going with someone who broke mine.

Karma's a bitch I suppose.

"Why?"Hannah asks and he shrugs

"After what happened with my sister, I can't get attached with a girl knowing I could lose her just yet."He reply's and I frown looking up

I haven't even asked how he's been doing.

* * *

A few days after the night with Connor, the girls and I thought a 'girls night' would be too bad.

So here we were, ten till midnight with fake ideas and glam outfits.

Hannah decided to wear a red dress that ended mid-thigh, with straps that were finger length wide. Her breasts were obviously being squeezed tightly to enhance their size. She looked absolutely fabulous nonetheless.

Maddie wore a black long sleeve that pushed her breasts up naturally and showed her black thong if she kneeled down a little bit which I laughed at when Hannah smacked it and said "My bitch has more ass than me. I'm flatter than fucking paper, top and bottom." Her short legs also looked longer with the black pumps she wore.

I decided to wear a white v-neck dress that also reached mid thigh, though I wouldn't be surprised if my underwear showed as well. It also squeezed my breasts to make them stay in place, I had fit into a pair of silver heels with gemstones to look more 'flashy' as Maddie described. It was my idea to add my black leather jacket because I loved looking badass, and this jacket made me look even better.

Hannah decided that we should ride in her Tesla because 'it's badass night' which meant that we had to look our best.

On the way there we sang along to City Girls which was hilarious because when it paused, Maddie was screaming the lyrics by heart which I recorded and posted with the caption 'ZAYUMMM'

Once we got there, it was far too easy going inside because the security didn't even hesitate to let us in.

Alcohol and sweat was the odor that greeted our noses when we walked in.

I had never been inside a club before so Hannah had told us the basics

"You want a drink? Go to the bartender and flirt so they'll be on the house, wanna go to VIP? You flirt with one of the guys who's about to go inside, wanna get away from a horny guy? Tell him you're on your period."She explains and we nod

"And last but not least, have fun like there's no tomorrow!"She screams pulling us to the dance floor

I decide that I need a drink so I walk over to the really cute guy who was the bartender.

"What would the beautiful lady like?"He asks and I giggle batting my eyelashes

"I'm not that beautiful."I sighed glancing at him and he shook his head

"Nope, you're one of the most beautiful girls here."He whispers in my ear and I lightly laughed as it tickled where his breath hit.

"Drinks on the house for you all night."He grins and I smile

Well that was easy, wasn't it?

"You shouldn't, I can't pay!"I said and he shook his head

"No can do, now what would you like?"He asks and I laughed as I push his shoulder gently

I decided to only drink two shots and Taylor (the bartender) was cheering me on.

"I'm going to dance!"I exclaimed and he nods

"Wish I could come with you."He sighs

I decide to ignore his comment and walk away to the dance floor. I was precisely in the middle dancing
I felt hands grab my waist and I turn around seeing the most gorgeous face.

"My name is Victor."He murmurs in my ear and I smiled

"I'm Luna."

"Wanna head to my place?"He asks and I shook my head

"No thanks, I'm good."I respond and walk away from him

"Come on, we can have a little bit of fun."He suggests and I once again decline his offer

"How are you gonna blow me off like this?"He whines and grabs my arm before I pull it away

"I'm on my period, dude. I can't 'have fun' okay?"I say aloud hoping he'd leave me alone

"No you're not, that's just an excuse, c'mon!"He says as he pulls my arm harshly

"Hey jackass, she said to leave her alone!"I heard and I turned my head seeing Taylor. Taylor looked really muscular and buff

"Fucking bitch."Victor scowls pushing me away walking out

"Hey, you okay?"Taylor asks and I nodded as our eyes meet

"I'm good."I say and he grabs my hand leading me to behind the bar table where another girl was making drinks

She smiles and I smile back as Taylor grabs a bottled cold water and hands it to me

* * *

To say I was tired was the least of my problems when we got home. I was entering Hannah's trailer that she stayed in while shooting the movie Jer and Alessio were in.

I had no clothing or shoes that I could fit into as Hannah had a petite figure and my boobs couldn't fit through her shirt. She wasn't lying when she said she was flat.

Therefore, Maddie and I had to sneak into Jer's room and steal some of his clothes knocking things over in the process, of course.

I walked out stepping down and I looked at Maddie as she slammed the door cursing under her breath as she said that it wasn't possible that her and Jeremy weren't the same size or that would mean she's fat or too tall or something which I was about to argue over until a door clicked open

"What are you two doing here in only underwear?!"I heard but I knew who the voice belonged to which caused me to scowl


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