CH. 21

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"Shit! Shit! Shit!"I cursed as I watched the videos and pictures of Alessio and I kissing, holding hands, and being all lovey dovey

I go to my comment sections seeing all sorts of terrible things.

@user207 holy shit. everyone thought this girl was fr innocent and then you go and see all the shit of her and alessio literally DAYS after her and Connor broke up. damn.

@user174 honestly, idk what to say.

@user494 I knew you were a little bitch from the start

@user863 WHAT THE FUC- there's been sightings of a wig on Mars... I think it's mine.



@user391 go hang yourself.

@user170 you're CANCELED.

@user85 Connor deserved better. That's the tea.

Alessio had gone down to get us some breakfast but I officially had the realization of what whorealine meant.

Where the fuck did she get those pictures?

How did she know about Alessio and I?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I soon heard banging on my door to which I knew was either Jeremy, Hannah, or Maddie.

To my surprise, it's Octavia's face that greets me once I swerve the door open.

"Holy shit, I heard what happened."She says and throws her arms around me

That's when I broke down into tears.

"Hey, it's okay. It'll all be over soon. Jeremy is talking to Connor on the phone and Connor said he would clear everything up for you."She whispers in a soothing tone

"Maddie and Hannah are on there way, they had gone to go see the sunrise."Octavia smiles and I nodded as I walked back to my bed to return to my phone.

I pick it up ready to see more of the hate comments only to have my phone snatched from my hands.

"No social media today. We need to do something else."She suggests placing my phone on top of my lap top just a few feet away from me on the bed.

"We should go to the fair grounds they have here."She grins and I shake my head

"I don't wanna be in the public eye."I mumbled as tears streamed down from my eyes

"Fine. Then let's get down to who did this, why they did this, and where they got all of this photography."She stated with a serious tone

"Oh, I know who it was."I laughed sarcastically

"Who?"Octavia curiously questioned

"That stupid, annoying, rude, disgusting, stuck up bitch Whorealine. Or better yet known as... Coraline Mitchell."

"Gross. I had a photoshoot with her and she kept saying she could get nude for the shoot if she got a single shot."Octavia gagged recalling the seemingly disturbing memory

"Nobody likes her, at least, they don't until they really meet her."I sighed as I wiped my face

"Trust me, honey. I don't need to know a bitch to know I don't like her. She posted all those pictures with no context whatsoever knowing all the hate that would come on to you. That's enough for me to want to torture her."Octavia snarls glaring out the window

Jeremy's girlfriend is literally my new number two best friend.

"I'm here!"I hear and stand up seeing Jeremy

"How the hell did you get in?"I ask and he 'tsks' at me

"The same way I got in when you and Alessio almost got down and dirty... with the keycard."Jeremy says in a 'duh' tone

"Give me the key card, Jeremy."Octavia giggles and snatches it from him and hands

"Privacy is now available."She cheekily smiles popping it into the nightstand near the bed.




"Ugh, it's Maddie."Jeremy sighs in despair once he opens the door and she sticks her tongue out at him

"Haha, asshat. You're lucky I haven't chopped your balls off yet."

Jeremy rushes to sit by me and plops onto the bed.

"Apparently, Coraline posted those pictures."Octavia explains to them

"Okay."Maddie simply said and I looked up at her in confusion


"Okay."She repeats taking a deep breath

"I thought that having the bitch leave was enough. Looks like I have to kill a bitch."Maddie huffed

"Guys, we can't think about how to kill her yet. We have to know where she got the photos."Octavia explained

"Yeah. Those pictures were only on Alessio and I's phones. So, how the hell would she get them?"I asked

"Her older brother."Jeremy spoke out and we all turn to him

"Shit, your right. He was in prison for hacking into some major company."Hannah gasped and I groaned

"He got like ten years prison... he's still not out yet, so it's not that."Jeremy hesitated

"Wow, this got dark as hell. I'm thinking that we should slash her tires, throw a rock at at her windows, chop her head off, ya know, the usual."Maddie shrugged as we all stared in horror except for Jeremy who was smiling like a proud mother

"Damn babe. You're sadistic."Hannah giggles

"Damn straight-"

"WHY IS THERE A BUNCH OF PEOPLE ASKING WHY I'M SUCH AN ASSHOLE?"Alessio whisper yells as he enters the room, his eyes lay on me and his face softens in concern

"Babe, why are you crying?"He asks as he wraps his arms around me

"They know."I whisper

"Who's they and what do they know?"He asks in confusion

"They... as in the public. What... as in you two secretly dating."Octavia said pursing her lips

"Holy shit- How? It's only been like, a few days."

"Exactly... which is why Connor is gonna explain how there relationship was fake and he knew about you and Alessio."Jeremy said breaking the silence

* * *

"Well, the hate has... minimized. People are asking why was the relationship fake though."Maddie sighed putting her arms around Hannah

"Let's just have a lazy day, my face feels hard from being in the sun."Jeremy suggests leaning on Octavia's shoulder as she blushes

"Yes please! We'll be in our room."Hannah hollers as her and Maddie walk out with the biggest grins

"Oh my god, they're gonna go at it again. I couldn't sleep yesterday night! All I heard was muffled moaning from the other room..."Jeremy groaned in disgust

"Jeremy and I actually have a dinner reservation."Octavia announces as her and Jeremy's hands intertwined

"We'll be on our way."She says as the walk out of the room

"And then there were two."Alessio hummed placing his head on my shoulder

"I wanna sleep."I declared falling back and pulling the covers into me

"We can do that too."He whispers kissing my forehead as I snuggle into him

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