CH. 27

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I didn't want to lead him on, so I pulled away from the hug hoping he wouldn't see my tears.

I wasn't hugging him because I wanted to show him that we could still be together. I was hugging him because I wasn't going to see him again.

Don't get me wrong, I love him. I love him so much, but he held me back. He made me less of who I was, and more of who he wanted me to be.

I was moving over to Isla Mujeres, Mexico. It was a few miles off of Cancun's coast. My mom was ecstatic about it until I said I would be going alone.

She then became very much opposed to the idea because something bad would happen. I beg to differ of course, it was a beautiful island with my culture that I had to learn more of.

So, I was leaving tomorrow at one PM. I was excited but sad that I was leaving all of my friends.

I was only eighteen too, but that was the least of my worries.

I walked over to Hannah's trailer where her sand Maddie jumped from the window trying acting to act normal but traumatically failed.

So, I sighed and looked at them.

"Was that a goodbye kiss?"Hannah asks and I nod

"It's okay, Luna.."Maddie mumbled taking me into her embrace as I let silent tears fall

They weren't only for Alessio. I was leaving behind my whole life. Everything and everyone.

But it was for the best.

* * *

I stretched my back as we packed the last box and I turned to my mom and sister.

"Ay, mi bebe... Te voy a extrañar tanto."She mumbles (oh, my baby... I'm going to miss you so much)

Her arms fall onto me squeezing the daylight out of me.

"No haces algo estupido, no tomas, no fumas, no haces drogas-"She began rambling but I had to cut her off (Don't do anything stupid, don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs-)

"Ama, no te preocupes, okay? Yo voy a estar bien. Yo soy Mexicana como quiera, yo ya se como cocinar y puedo hablar la idioma."I giggle as my eyes brim with wet ones and my sister grabs me and hugs me tightly. (Mom, don't worry, okay? I will be fine. I am Mexican anyway, I already know how to cook and speak the language.)

"Jesus, I'm going to miss you, little sister. You're leaving the house before me though, so I'm not happy about that."She grumbles about the last part causing me to burst into laughter

"By the way, guys... I'm engaged with Ben."Cara says holding up her hand causing mom and I to gasp and begin cheering

"I better be wedding planner!"I said and she nods

"Well duh, you planned Maddie's surprise party and it was god damn-

"Hey! Watch your language."Mom interferes with the conversation and Cara rolls her eyes playfully

"It was god dang fabulous."She finishes and I hear honking which makes me flinch and hug my small family again.

The family that kept me sane through all of these tough times.

I walk out the door with the help of Mom and Cara helping me put boxes into the car which Hannah drove, cause she was 'a rich bitch'

I hug my mom and sister again promising to FaceTime them every minute of the day.

I hop into Hannah's Tesla and she drove while Connor, Jeremy, Maddie and I sang our lungs out to old Taylor Swift songs.

Moment of truth finally came though once we entered the airport and everyone's mood dropped all of a sudden.

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