CH. 18

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If I'm being honest, I didn't say it before but Alessio is a good kisser.

I didn't wanna pull away at all, but I had to take a breath and I know he did too.

"I've been waiting to do that for the longest time, Mariposa."He murmurs and I smile

"We need to take this slow, okay?"I warned and watch him chuckle

"Trust me, Luna. We've been taking this slow, it's been a long eight years."

"Not that slow, but I mean... If we're gonna move into a relationship-"

"YOU GUYS FINALLY KISSED, OH MY GOD!"I heard and turned to Jeremy who was standing there with a beaming smile

"I'll leave you two alone... I have a lady to get to."He grins and I roll my eyes playfully

* * *

"Come on, Mariposa. My room is literally a few halls from yours, I think it'll be okay if you sleep with me."Alessio pleaded and I sighed.

"Fine, I'll go with you."I say and he grins pulling me into his embrace

"Now I won't have to sleep alone!"He cheered and I giggled

Cause you'll sleep on the floor, idiot.

We walked towards his room opening it and entering

I put my bag on the bed and take out a towel and my clothing for the night.

I was definitely showering, but Alessio was taking a long time.

I knocked on the door only for it to open revealing the Italian glory right behind it.

There was water dripping from the tips of it that fell to his shoulders and down his chest which was... wow.

Did he start working out?


His towel was really low, but I could make an immediate outline of his-

"Are you checking me out, Mariposa?" Alessio slyly smirks

"Wha- No! Gross, there's nothing to see, anyway."I retaliated a bit too quickly and he laughs

"I can't blame you. These god-like features are to die for."

"Oh, Alessio. You can't offend god like that."I say and he gasps

"Well then, you can use the shower, I suppose."He huffs

After I finish showering, I changed into some pastel pink pajamas.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Alessio shirtless with some black joggers.

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