CH. 22

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"Reporter at three o'clock."Alessio mutters under his breath as we walk out of the building

Unfortunately, our trip to Miami had officially come to an end.

We had all come out apart at different times to not raise any suspicion about the fact we were leaving.

Like that made a difference. It only raised more of it.

I clutched my bag tightly as we fit it into the car that we had rented. We were going back to town as the Miami trip was over so the guys and Hannah could get back to filling the last shots of the movie.

Once we had arrived at the airport, Jeremy was saying goodbye to Octavia since she was going back to Los Angeles.

"Well, these two weeks have been eventful."He mumbles and Octavia laughs silently

"Okay... Well, I guess I have to go..."She trailed off and Jer simply sighed sadly

I watch as she turns around walking slowly and Jeremy walks over to us with a frown on his face.

That is, until Octavia stops and turns around taking long strides towards us grabbing Jer's arm and leaning in to kiss his cheek.

"Keep in touch, mkay?"She whispers and he nods smiling

"Y-yes."He says with his voice cracking causing her to giggle and walk away again

"Tavi is gonna be my girlfriend guys."He spoke aloud causing us all to face him

"Tavi? Well shit, Jer. You're whipped."Alessio chuckles and Jeremy nods

"Sure am."

* * *

"Hm. Well, keep the door open 3 inches minimum. I want nothing going on in your room."My mom warns us and we both nodded as we walked upstairs to my room plopping onto the bed

"She binged Stranger Things, obviously."I giggled and he chuckles

"You know that... No matter what happens, It doesn't change the fact that I love you, right?"He seriously states and I nod a bit weirded out

"Why are you telling me this?"I asked and he shrugs

"Thought I should let you know in case anything ever happens."

"Well unless you were to cheat or lie, which you aren't, those are the reasons I would end it between us."I declared looking him dead in the eye suspiciously

What was he hiding now?

"I could never do that to you, Mariposa."He hummed back in response as I began to slowly fall into my slumber

* * *

"We look like crackheads guys."Maddie fusses with an annoyed tone

"Shut up, Maddie, you're gonna blow our cover!"Jeremy whisper yells at her and she scoffs

"Let's just get the damn snacks so we can have a good ass time."Alessio scowls and I simply laugh quietly as he throws me a secretive grin

We had decided to have a scary movie night but we had to stop by the store. For safety purposes, we had disguises... Sort of.

Hats and glasses is what we settled with. While stuffing a bunch of chips in the cart, the door jingles and in walks in the wicked witch of my life.

Coraline's bitch ass walks in with the by far most... Revealing outfit ever.

She had the most dramatic makeup as well as a fishnet bralette with black petals to hide her nipples but gave away everything else. She had a pair of black fishnet shorts with a lace underwear that showed off her ass cheeks along with little gemstones where the nets meet.

Jesus, she could be seen as a stripper in that outfit.

She walks over to the chips aisle which was where we were, she hadn't seemed to know who we were yet, but she was on the phone.

"Yes. Oh god. I mean-"

"What the fuck are you wearing?"Jeremy exasperated in disbelief as he stared at her with disgust

She turns around looking at us four before smirking as her eyes landed on me.

Alessio's grip tightened in my hand as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in."She taunts looking me up and down

"You can't be talking, Whorealine, cats bring nasty shit in... which is what you are, nasty."Jeremy growled and she laughs

"Hold on, I gotta go."She says and hangs up her phone

"I have no time for you two's bullshit."

"B-bullshit?"Maddie gasps while laughing sarcastically

"Yes, bullshit, now shut the fuck up. I'm here for you you two."She scowls turning to me and smiles

"I suppose you know who posted the pictures, right?"

"How did you know?"I questioned but Alessio didn't release my hand

"Because you took him from me, you crazy bitch. I had him all to myself... He was mine, then you come in and he's into you!"She huffed and stared at him as he gulped

"What the hell are you talking about? He was never yours,"Jeremy barked and she turns to him beginning to laugh

"Oh... but he was. Mind telling them, Baby?"She giggles nudging Alessio while I glare at her for even getting near him

I turn to Alessio as he begins to stammer and I flinch at this


"We secretly dated... before I even came back and we made up."He said silently

"Well don't just tell them that, tell them what you did."She ordered and he glares at her causing her to roll her eyes

"Fine. You won't say it, but I will. I won't let another girl be a victim to your selfish heart break. While you were with Connor after what happened with Callie... He came to me at a club and we had sex multiple times before he came one more time and telling me to never tell anyone about what happened then I find out that you two are secretly together and we had sex the day after... I'm sorry to break it to you, Luna, but as soon as someone better comes into his life, you two... Are done. Just like he did with me."She spat while snapping during her last statement also giving Alessio a death glare

"Jesus, you say I'm bullshit but then you say this shit? Are you fucking crazy?"Maddie fumes while Coraline simply raises an eyebrow at me

I take a deep breath turning to Alessio.

"Is it true?"I ask as tears began forming

"I-I... Fuck."He stuttered as he began to wipe his eyes as well

Oh my god.

I didn't need him to say it, I already knew what his answer was.




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