Reignite by Cee (Dr-Cokebottles)

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Title: Reignite | Author: Cee ( Dr-Cokebottles ) | Universe: Guardians of the Season | Story Rating :T

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Title: Reignite | Author: Cee ( Dr-Cokebottles ) | Universe: Guardians of the Season | Story Rating :T


Legend had it that in the days of old, gods had walked freely amongst men.

Half forgotten tales, whispered secretly over the light of camp fires, insisted that they had been known as the Guardians, their powers fantastical and their beauty divine to the mortal eyes that beheld them.

The Guardians had been gifted with magic beyond human capability, and they were benevolent beings; they freely shared their talents with the world, bestowing upon humanity the beauty of art, music, and strategy as civilisation tentatively dawned.

The royalty amongst the Guardians were ancient, graceful beings, capable of influencing the very seasons - it was rumoured that if one had the favour of the royal family, they would be guaranteed a bountiful harvest or a mild winter.

The most revered Guardian of all had been Lord Daoming, ruler of the sun and harbinger of light, married to a winter fairy whose beauty was admired far and wide despite her icy personality. Their firstborn son, Daoming Si, was a child of prophecy, an infant who personified both summer and winter. It was foretold that he would be the most powerful Guardian of all, capable of controlling all four elements unlike any before him due to his unique heritage.

The people adored them. Enormous temples had been erected in their honour and all the almighty beings asked for in return was harmony with the humans. The Guardians would impart their wisdom on the willing, educating and guiding them. In return, all they requested was that the mortals provided them with labour, tending their crops and tilling their land.

However, by its very essence, humanity was fickle. They soon tired of their toil whilst the Guardians reigned on high, resentment festering over the centuries until turmoil exploded like a volcano, wreaking havoc to all in its path.

The battle that ensued was both bloody and brutal. Although the Guardians were immortal, they were not invulnerable and both sides suffered heavy losses.

Lord Daoming himself eventually entered the fray, resplendent in his battle armour and formidable to his foes.

That was until he fell and became a victim of human treachery as they poisoned the water supplies. His death was felt heavily by all and the bloodshed came to an abrupt halt.

The death of the sun god was catastrophic. The celestial orb had flickered out, and now appeared as a glowing ember hanging in the ashy sky. Crops failed and cattle died. Panic swept across the land as humanity struggled to survive.

Many turned to Daoming Si, praying he would be their salvation. However, the child's inner light had died alongside his father - he was either unable or unwilling to reignite the solar flares, his heart encased in ice, content to watch humanity suffer for their betrayal. He doomed both races to eternal winter as he found himself unable to reignite his fiery magic. The prince gracefully matured from boy to man to king, the burden of the crown heavy on his brow, his demeanour every bit as icy as his mother's. The young god never forgot what humanity had taken from him, his hatred intense.

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