The Dance by Ingrid (poisonivy0325)

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Title: The Dance | Author: Ingrid ( poisonivy0325 ) | Universe: Entertainment World : Dancers | Story Rating: MA

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Title: The Dance | Author: Ingrid ( poisonivy0325 ) | Universe: Entertainment World : Dancers | Story Rating: MA


I started watching Meteor Garden 2018 so that a friend and I could have something to talk about. She ended up watching something else instead, and I ended up with new friends around the globe and a reawakened love for writing.

Thank you to @everyoutfitonmeteorgarden2018 ( dramalindy on Wattpad and Twitter), because your account and the Fan Fiction Festivals are the reason for everything. Thank you for your wit, passion, and openness.

Thank you to lindaisfangirling for the poster, and for always checking on me when I go into Introvert Mode and disappear for a while. Your humor is the gold that brightens anyone's day, and it warms my heart to know I have access to the best pizza in the world, thanks to you.

To lostinmeteorgardentranslationfindingdaomingsi and  thank you for the friendship that crosses oceans and defies time zones. The daily chats have changed my life as I have learned so, so much from all of you.

Thank you to the Meteor Heaven editors, especially Mai, for including me in this project and for the patience and understanding. I'm not active enough on Wattpad and Twitter, so it means a lot to be part of an amazing roster of writers. I am truly honored.

And to everyone for taking the time to read this, thank you and enjoy!



Dong Shancai rolled her eyes as the girls around her erupted in squeals and whispers. It was a sure sign that Daoming Si had arrived.

She didn't understand how they could go crazy over that arrogant, self-centered, snobbish man, who walked around as if he was God's gift to women. Sure, he was a really talented choreographer and dancer, but that didn't mean everyone had to worship the ground he walked on.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him at the center of the room while the girls around her were smoothing their clothes and flipping their hair, as they practically swooned in unison while he stretched and flexed his muscles. She shook her head and focused on her own stretching instead.

"Dong Shancai!" She startled at the sound of Feng Meizuo's voice, and she looked up to see him watching her with a thoughtful look on his face. "Come with me," he beckoned, and she followed him out of the dance studio.

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