Unaltered by Ro (rosmiwrites)

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Title: Unaltered | Author: Ro ( Rosmiwrites  ) | Universe: Super Powers | Story Rating : T

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Title: Unaltered | Author: Ro ( Rosmiwrites  ) | Universe: Super Powers | Story Rating : T


Shancai sighed and put down her book "The Guide to You: Supers and NonSupers," the required reading for all citizens, a government edict that all 17-year-olds must read as they waited for the "change" to happen.

It was the manual on how to recognize your own superpower, if you experienced the "change" and which government department to report to for registry. But, it was also the text for those unchanged. Its conciliatory chapters included: "How to appreciate the super you (without superpowers)" and "Supers and NonSupers Coexist: A Symbiotic Relationship."

Shancai stared at the book beside her bed. She had friends who had already undergone the change. They had woken up the morning of their 18th birthday, feeling refreshed and confident, as if joie de vivre had been poured into their once feeble, torpid bodies. Their auras reeked of unearned competency and pride.

Shancai grimaced. Superpowers had changed most of her friends irreparably, and only a few remained loyal and interested in mingling with nonsupers.

And while every little girl and boy usually wished that they could be granted with "the change", not everyone was born with latent superpowers. It was as if a coin toss determined who would be responsible for enforcing world peace, building skyscrapers, or even digging wells. Since in this world, supers' day jobs required them to use to their special abilities.

Shancai picked up the book again, turning to the pages about nonsupers. At least nonsupers had options. She cringed at the wording of nonsupers' professions. The text, imbued with a sense of shame for the nonsupers, detailed the banality of nonsupers' work. But Shancai thought being a nutritionist was a noble profession. People needed to eat! People needed to know what foods were good for them! Even if people marveled at teleporters and weather wielders, Shancai believed in her "superpower" of hard work and determination.

She threw the book aside and sighed once more. Even though she woke up on her 18th birthday last year, completely unchanged, she had kept the book as a reminder that, despite not having super powers, she could still do super things.

However, Shancai was a late bloomer. Unlike most of her peers that blossomed at the age of 18, it took her 19 years to discover her super strength. She had been teased before about her slow growth, mostly by her mother who would chide her and call her "Slothcai."

Shancai didn't understand why it took her longer than everyone else, only that when she did discover it, she hesitated to tell anyone.

Her mother, she feared, would think it unladylike. Her friends Xiaoyou, Qinghe and Li Zhen would probably want her to display it proudly for everyone to see. But it was not their reactions that concerned her, but only that of Daoming Si.

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