2 - Shifting of the Tides

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Authors Note: Yay, chapter two!  Again, please be aware that strong language and sexual content will be included - R18+ readers only - You've been told.

"I've arrived bitches!! The party can officially start now!!" screamed Abigail, her tight little dress riding up her legs as she quite literally flew through the door. Sam and I chuckle, knowing Abi's need to be the life of the party knows no bounds.

"Abi, right on time love, you need to help me knock some sense into Emerson again" Sam is quick to jump back to our previous topic. I should have known he wouldn't let it go that easy. "Sam, can't we just have a night out without killing the buzz with a lecture?" I plead. I'm not going to lie, I know once Abigail gets caught up, the tide is definitely going to turn on me. 

Abigail looks at Sam, then me, then back at Sam and lifts an eyebrow. I swear this woman can read us like a book, it's only a matter of time, just wait for it.... here it comes.... "Em, you didn't!!" and there it is. She's now intensely looking at me with those piercing blue eyes, "Tell me you haven't been back to see that good for nothing piece of shit" she exclaimed. Oh crap, how am I going to talk my way out of this one. I anxiously look down at my feet, my hands nervously pull at my baggy sweater to keep them busy. "Abi....." I start, but honestly, I know they're both right so I have no idea how to respond. 'Honey, we love you, you know that, but you always feel like shit after you see him" Sam tries to tone down the conversation. "Nah, fuck that Sam, you know it's time for some tough love" spat Abigail, "he doesn't just leave her feeling like shit, he leaves her feeling worthless"

"I'm sorry guys, I know I shouldn't see him, it's just so...um it's so .... well it's easy" I mutter, aware my shift in mood this week is related to my late-night bootie call with the devil himself, just five days ago. My eye's start to glaze over as I feel flooded with memories of the past two years, and all the events that transpired.  My face drops to the floor again, trying to hide the obvious emotions I'm fighting.

"Shit hun, I'm sorry too" Abi's sweet voice sung out, wrapping me in her arms, a sudden realisation of the effect her harsh words have on me. This, right here is why I could never survive without Abi and Sam. They're the voice of reason on a bad day, they're the pillars of strength when I can't hold myself up, and most importantly, they the glue that holds me together after everything else leaves me felling broken. She leans back, her thumbs wiping away my tears before grabbing both my shoulders and looks me up and down.

"It looks like it's a good thing I'm early too hun, cause you're a disaster" and with a cheeky wink, Abi has us all giggling like a group of school girls perving on the senior male athletes in the changing rooms. Before you ask, yes, we used to do that too.

Ducking into my bedroom, I take a long hard look at my reflection, agreeing with Abigail's earlier assessment. My toned, tiny frame is currently drowning in my favourite oversized sweater which drapes off the shoulder, and my old baggy track pants. My attire perfect for cosying up on the couch with the latest novel and a strong cuppa coffee, but tonight, we are heading out on the town. The nightlife in Toronto can be incredible, especially if you know the best spots to hit! My eyes stare at my long dark brown hair, currently hanging lifelessly down my back, finishing just above my bum. I may have neglected to wash it for the past few days, leaving it lack lustre and knotted to all buggery.  This won't do.

"Guys, I'm going to jump through the shower" I called out, stripping down as I make a beeline straight for the en suite off my bedroom.

"Good, cause you stink" chimed Abi, before another fit of giggles.

Something tells me she's started the party already. I smile and shake my head, as I step into the enormous tiled shower and instantly relish in the heat of the water pounding down from the overhead faucet. Closing my eyes and raising my chin high, the steaming hot water cascades down over my face, a cleansing ritual for my heavy soul. I try to ignore the nagging bad feelings, now stirred due to the conversation I've just had with the dynamic duo I call my friends. They were right, of course they were. Casey and I were done, and we needed to be, I had to suck it up and sever all ties before I let the venom seep too far under my skin too ever fully recover. As I lather up my thick hair, I force myself to shake off the negative, and like a shifting of the tides I make a decision, tonight is my night! 

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