36 - Pool of Tranquility

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Arden's POV

Hearing the word "dad" come from her sweet mouth made my skin crawl.  I felt my muscles clench as I grip my hands tightly, no doubt causing my fingers to turn white as I attempt to not knock this entitled fuckers teeth out.

"What am I doing here?" he scoffed at her, "lets not forget who's home this is girl, now i asked you a bloody question, who's he?" pointing at me, almost spitting.  

Oh, fuck no.  This is not happening on my watch, not to my sweet, cailín álainn.

"Excuse me Sir, I mean no disrespect..... actually, scratch that.  Yeah, I do.  What fucken right do you have to come here after all this time thinking you have any god dam right to speak to her in that manner, or at all for that matter." I stepped toward him so I was practically eye balling him, slightly in front of Emerson, shielding her from as much negative energy was radiating of this piece of shit.

"WHO ARE YOU?" he shouted, looking about ready to break.

I simply laughed in his face, I can't be scared by loud words.

"If you must know, I'm the man in Emerson's life, now why don't you move so we can come inside and you can answer her question about why the fuck you've turned up now."

I turn slightly, pulling Em under the shelter and security of my arm, wrapped securely around her shaking shoulders.  She lifted her head slightly at me, trying to muster a smile but sadly it showed as more of a grimace.  Turning back to her father, we see he's retreating inside meekly, understanding that this is non-negotiable.  

"Come on my cailín álainn, let's go see what he wants, don't worry love, I'll be with you the whole time, I'm not going anywhere."

There is nothing I hate more than seeing my angel like this, when she's happy she radiates a light brighter than the sun, bring warmth and life to my soul.  I have no clue why he's here, but I will make dam sure I am here for her no matter what.  I will help her build a protective shelter around us where she can feel safe and loved, we can bask together in a pool of tranquility as we conquer every obstacle thrown our way.  

"Not you boy, this doesn't concern you," he grumped out as we walked in behind him.  Taking a quick glance around the room, I can see that nothing looks to be out of place or disturbed in anyway.  Lucky for him, because I am angry enough over his actions, If he touched Em's stuff I may have lost control all together.  He deserves nothing from her, she is far more precious than he could ever imagine.

"I'm afraid not, see if you want to speak with Emerson, you will speak with me too.  I will not leave without her, so best you start getting used to it mate."

"Dad, please.  We had things to do, can you just explain what's going on." Emerson's sweet voice is timid and anxious, I need to get this sorted as soon as I can and get my girl out of here.

Emerson's POV

Arden sat directly next to me, lacing his fingers with mine.  I'm not sure if it's to give me strength, or to stop himself from losing control, but either one is a comfort.  I take a deep breath and look up to the face of the man who literally broke my heart when he left.

"Dad?" I said again, the word tasting like vinegar off my tongue, this man may be my Dad but I will never consider him as such in my heart again.

"I see that young Casey finally grew some balls and left you too." he said, smirking at me.  I felt Arden flinch, ready to through himself across the coffee table at any stage, I reached over with my free hand to calm him, shaking my head slightly to indicate not wanting him to respond.

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