6 - Ice Breaker

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Authors Note: Hey guys, firstly I want to thank you all so much for your support!! It's been incredible to hear how invested in my story you are, and that you too feel connected in some way to Emerson and Arden. I'm always happy to hear from a fan, it keeps me going so keep up the positive messages and comments!

Secondly, thank you to the amazing, beautiful @HanaBlue1131 not only for being an incredible friend, but for the gorgeous, stunning art she personally made of our Emerson. If you haven't seen it, head over to her Instragram and check it out!! Also make sure you read her amazing stories Jailbird, and Blood Born - they are two of my faves!!

Also, you're not forgotten @MikaylaSpeck who has also been a huge support of my work, and has been putting up with my crazy for much much longer than some!! At least now we can share in the crazy babe!! Go read her Wrapped In Lies chapters if you love a bit of kink and need the extra something - these chapters are the R18+ scenes that can't make the cut in her Episode story due to rules and regulations - and they're hot!!

As always, sexual content is included so please discretion is advised, R18+ is recommended, and enjoy!!

I tossed and turned all night.  I'm not sure if it was knowing that the most gorgeous man on the planet was on the other side of the door, or his attempt to be a gentleman that had left me bereft and alone, but whatever the cause, I was restless.  Finally, giving up on sleep, I wrapped myself in the thick comforter and stared out the vast windows, watching nature as it blanketed the earth with its cool crisp snowflakes, the dark clouds on the horizon showing no signs of letting up.  I enjoy weather like this, snow or rain, thunder or lightening.  There's a beauty in its chaos.  While others see the turmoil and destruction, I get a sense of calm and comfort, well that is when I can observe it from afar.  I continue to stare out my bedroom window deep in thought until sleep finally finds me.


Knock, knock, knock.   I wake to a loud knock on the door, but I really don't want to wake yet.  Surely, I've only been asleep for 5 minutes!!!

"Arghhhhh" is all I can manage.  My eyes are heavy, and refuse to open, and I turn my head back into my pillow in defeat.

"Emerson, darling are you awake? May I come in?" Arden asks cautiously.

"yes." I answer, pretty certain my brain isn't functioning properly as yet.  I'm down to single syllable answers now, really?

I hear the door swing open, and heavy footsteps making their way into the room towards the bed, when suddenly they stop.

"Fuck" he breathes out deeply, almost a low growl.

Shocked, my eyes flick open quickly, and I begin to sit up, staring up into Arden's soulful bright blue eyes, which are currently glued to my body, surveying the sight in front of him.  Tearing my eyes away, I glance to where his gaze is and gasp.  Sprawled out before him across the bed, my bare legs showing all the way to my hips, only a small part of the sheet twisted between my legs covering my womanhood.  Following his eyes upward further I discover that's almost all the sheet covers, as my left breast is peeking out and my right is only just covered by the corner of the comforter.  I'm basically laying naked on display for him.  I'd made the decision to sleep naked later last night since I wasn't sure how long we'd be stuck here, and I may have to re-wear what clothes I do have here.  It's quite the ice breaker I've presented him with, haven't I!

"Oh" I blush, scrambling now to pull the sheet up over my now very alert nipples, "I'm so sorry, I ...I didn't even notice" I mutter, hanging my head.  I'm not ashamed of my body normally, I mean I am pretty proud of it.  I've worked hard to maintain it for dance, and I take care of myself with a strict routine - regular waxing appointments, moisturizing and exfoliation, and obviously drinking plenty of water to keep my body hydrated.  I've got pale skin with few imperfections, other than my surgical scars, hidden now by tattoos which carry symbolism of a past life.  I'd normally choose to flaunt what I have, confident of who I am but a combination of rejection from last night and the power he already has over me has me behaving completely out of character.

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