19 - Resplendent Waterfalls

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Authors Note: There will be sexual content so 18+ is recommended 

The moment the elevator doors closed; his hands were on me. Wrapping one hand behind my neck while pulling my lips to his own, the other hand grasps my ass and urges me to jump into his arms, my legs winding tightly behind him as he pushes me against the cold metal doors.

"You. Are. So. Beautiful" he murmured, his breath hot against my skin as he licks his way down from my ear to my sweet spot, dragging his teeth up and down the sensitive skin as he moves, "You. Have. No. Fucking. Idea. How. Much. I. Wanted. You"

I feel myself let out a long moan as he grabs my hair roughly, pulling my head back and to the side to allow him more access to continue his onslaught.

"Arden, I....I..oh" trying to talk to him now was not my best decision, the man was gifted and had been deprived of my body for too long. His left hand was very much still holding control over my head, but his right had found its way under the hem of my dress, his fingers gripping my skin firmly as he slid it up my inner thigh, tracing the outline of my lace underwear.

Just when I thought he was about to slide his fingers between my wet folds, we heard an all too familiar "DING" alerting us to the fact we had arrived on the ground floor and these cold 'currently occupied' metal doors were about to open to the ground floor lobby. I unlatched my legs from around his waist, dropping to ground swiftly, straightening out my dress hastily as I attempt to steady my breathing. Arden releases my hair from his grip, however drops his arm to hang loosely around my waist, his hand on my hip.

"Come on love, no time to wa.." Arden almost crashes into someone as he leads me out of the elevator, both cursing in the process.

"Easy on, there brother, what's the rush?" the man exclaimed, a slight chuckle in his voice, "And who might you be?" he then asks, only now noticing me clinging to Arden's side.

Stepping aside to clear the entry to the elevator, I'm now standing in front of who I can now guess is Tomas, Arden's twin brother. They weren't identical, but he was indubitably handsome in his own rights. He still carried the same dark hair Arden had, though he had allowed his to grow longer, a bit scruffier but it was a great look for him. Hazel brown eyes where Arden's were blue, and he looked younger in a way. He has that some Irish accent, though much thicker given he still lives on his home turf. He stood, looking between Arden and I, a cocky smile playing at his lips.

"Where's the fire mate?" he teases Arden, visibly trying to press his buttons. Beneath my hand, situated around Arden's bicep, I feel him tense up. I slip my hand into his, entwining our fingers and instantly feel him relax.

"Tomas, just don't" he mutters, a hint of anger laced in his tone.

"Relax brother, but seriously, who is she?" his eyes looking me from head to toe, before flicking back to Arden.

Releasing the breath, he'd been holding in, shaking head briefly he clears his throat before starting the official introductions.

"Tomas, if you must know, this is my cailín álainn Emerson, Ems my love, this is my awful twin, Tomas"

"Hold up brother, is this her? This is THE Emerson, the woman who broke my brothers' heart?" he bantered, still an almost jovial manner, yet the words stung none the less.

"That's enough Tomas, there's more to it than we know" he grumbled.

This conversation was getting seriously awkward, they're discussing me like I'm not even here.

"Nice to meet you Tomas" I interject, reaching out with my right arm to shake his hand, keeping my left laced with Arden's.

"Emerson, lass, we hug in this family" he states, pulling me from Arden's grip and wrapping in a tight bear hug, practically lifting me off the ground.

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