16 - Lost at Sea

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Authors Note: Thank you so much guys for the support!! Keep the messages coming, they mean the world to me!

"Okay guys, I am here! What's the emergency, tell me why I had to leave work at ten am?" Abigail bustles through the door, only ten minutes later than Sam and I had arrived. It was pretty great timing, as Sam had just finished lining up shot glasses while I'd unloaded the liquor cabinet. It's going to be a long ass day, or shorter depending on how many of these we down.

Abigail assessed the image in front of her and grimaced, "This has Casey's name all over it, am I right?"

"Sure does" Sam replied, as I just stood nodding at her. She never misses a beat, one of the many reasons I love her.

"Well then, come on, spill. Give me the dirt" she demands, downing a shot, making an almost disgusted face as the tequila burns its way down her throat.

Me on the other hand, barely make any expression as I down not one, but two of them, swallowing them like they were shots of water. Tequila was always my go too when things were really rough. Not the healthiest choice for obvious reasons, but it sure as hell knew how to numb the pain quickly.

I pulled out one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar, and turned to fill Abi in on the mornings drama, making sure to fill in all the details, his insistent need to call me babe, his intimidating behaviour of forcing me to back away, and of course, finding him with my phone.

"What did he do Ems, have you checked?" she inquired, grabbing my phone off the bench. Her and Sam, and sadly Casey, all knew my pass code. I'd never felt the need to hide anything from them. I guess it never occurred to me to change it when we broke up. I mean, when was he ever going to be near it right? Clearly wrong.

"Yeah, I've checked. There's nothing from what I can tell. There's no sent emails or texts, no calls have been made. I can't think what his motives were" I sighed.

I had scrolled through my phone furiously all the way home, Sam suggesting ideas of where I should look but we just come up with nothing. Maybe he hadn't done anything, but then why have it in his hand? I had checked the incoming call list, and there was nothing there, so his excuse of it ringing was bullshit.

"What did Arden have to say baby girl? You did tell him right" Sam handed me another shot, knowing full well that this was going to rock the boat for my recovery. I may have stood up to Casey, but it was killing me inside even having to face him so much.

"I text him letting him know the general idea of what happened. I haven't heard back though which is odd. Then again, he did say he had a busy day today, and would be working late so it's most likely that" I wanted nothing more right now than to have him hold me. Somehow being in Arden's arms has the most incredible calming abilities, making me like once released I could conquer the world. He is my super power, and my kryptonite, all in one gloriously captivating package.

"I know I wouldn't want to be Casey when he finds out, if a knock out was a warning shot imagine what he'll do next time!!" Sam's words make me shiver, he's right, Arden will want to kill him. I can tell he has been on edge around the studio ever since, Arden's need to protect me just makes him all the more appealing in my eyes.

"I hope he'll let me watch" Abigail stated, her hate for Casey runs deep, eliciting a loud laugh from Sam who looks to be getting a pretty good visual of what Arden could achieve.

By the time we decided to change topics, I was six shots in, and really feeling a buzz. We moved on to discuss the recital, Sam and Jeremy's relationship and Abi's work stories. It felt good to just kick back and cut loose. Bouncing around the living room in my oversized jumper and a pair of Arden's boxers, singing at the top of my lungs to upbeat tunes, and dancing like a crazy person. This is why we have each other, through our ups and downs, the losses and heartbreaks, the happiness and celebrations, it will always be us. For three people who are so different in personality, we have barely ever argued, and never missed an important moment together.

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