4 - Bubbling beneath the Surface

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Authors Note: Thank you so much for such an amazing response so far guys!! It means the absolute world to me!! I do hope you will stick with me to learn more about Arden and Emerson. Pretty soon some past truths will start to come to light....

"Baby girl" cooed Sam, giving my shoulder a gentle nudge, "Wakey, wakey. Now please, honey we need to talk"

"Arghhhhh, do I have too" I can feel the warmth of the sunshine streaming through the window. It feels like heaven, and I don't want to wake up, but it seems Sam has decided I've had enough sleep for today.

Begrudgingly, I rub my fists over my eyes, trying to push out any sleep that may be remaining. Peeking out past my hands, I quickly realise that Sam and I are no longer alone. Abigail is standing tall next to Sam, her arms crossed over her chest, lips pursed tight, both staring seriously at me.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Sitting up quickly to attention, my head glancing back and forth between them. Shit just got serious apparently.

"You've been holding out on us" Abigail exclaimed, "since when do we have secrets?!"

"What. The. Hell? Are you two on something? I have no flipping idea what's happening here?!" The sun shining in on me not as heart-warming as it once was, I feel as though I'm in an interrogation.

"C'mon Em, you know exactly what we are talking about. What do you call this huh, and WHY did we not hear about it?" Sam emphasises the why while waving around a cream linen card. Oh shit.

"Is that what this is all about? Oh my god, couldn't you have waited till I woke up!!"

"Emerson this is huge, and so freaking exciting. I can't believe you didn't tell us" said Abi.

"Look, someone left that along with the peony on the doorstep last night" gesturing to the vase on the table, and feeling exasperated, I knew the only way to end this torturous conversation was to tell them, and now! "I didn't TELL you because I went to bed, then you know how that went from there don't you Sam?! It's the reason we're here now and not at the studio. It's the reason I slept till, I don't even know, what is the time?"

"12.45 pm Em. You have slept half the day! I have got to get back to work, but Sam text me when he found the card and I couldn't contain myself!" You would think it was for Abi the way she's gushing over here.

"You know what this means don't you?" Sam bounces from one foot to the other "We get to go shopping. You are going to look delectable"

"Would you expect any less? How about we have a shopping/spa day Friday? You think you can take a day off Abs, I need my girl there too you know?"

"Hell, yeah I'm so going to be there, bitch" Abi really needs to find a new way to address me, not sure 'bitch' is really a term of endearment, but I guess she is my Abi so I'll keep letting it slide.

"Great, now you better get a move on, Sam can cook me some lunch while I take a long, hot shower. My hair is a birds nest waiting to happen"

"Wait, what" called Sam, but I was already headed to the shower.


One Thursday a month I make my way to my therapist's office. Dr Blackthorne. Dr Raewyn Blackthorne, a tiny five-foot, skinny woman in her sixties, with cropped silver hair and cute round glasses, and quite possibly the friendliest smile I have even seen, although in her profession I guess having a friendly disposition is a must. We started our sessions about 18 months ago on a weekly basis, and 6 months ago dropped back to monthly after significant progress. I'd loved to say I'm ready to stop, but I'm not, the nightmares returning are a sign of that.

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