1 - Crashing Waves

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Authors Note - This is my first time writing, so please be gentle.  And though some information won't come to light yet, rest assured I'm keeping it that way for a reason, but it will come.  Also note, it is recommended 18+ only as sexual content and other mature topics will be covered.  You have been warned, there will be sex scenes!

Another cold typical winters evening and I'm only just starting to get my gear together to head home.  These late nights at the studio are killing me, but with the end of year recital around the corner I know I have to keep up the training.  At 25 years old, all I have wanted I life was to make it as a professional dancer, ballet specifically, and with that dream has come years and years of sacrifice and hard work.  I can't stop now, not when it's all so close.  This recital is my chance to be seen, and hopefully picked up by a dance company so I can go 'professional'.  I already almost lost my chance two years ago, and I can't look back now when I know it's my last shot.

"That's it, I am so done for tonight. I'm going to head off now Sam" I call out, heading in the direction of the back exit.

As per usual Sam and I are the last one's at the studio, he too putting in any last-minute preparation, "Eye's on the prize, Emerson" Sam chime's in his normal singsong voice, "you got this girl"

"Ha, Sam, you know it" I giggled, "Are we still on for the gym tomorrow?" Our now gruelling daily 4.30 am workouts consist of 80 mins of cardio followed by another hour of targeted weight training.  Honestly, I am hoping he will say no, I could use a sleep in but knowing Sam, he's the most reliable, focused person on the planet – it'll be another early start!!

"C'mon Em, like I'd ever say no, I'll be there with bells on!!" (Dammit - told you didn't I) Pausing at the door, I look back over my shoulder at Sam, his sculpted lines accentuated by his male leotard and tights. Looking him head to toe is like taking a journey of discovery, light hair always styled immaculately, sharp cheekbones framing perfect blue eyes and that dazzling smile, his biceps taught and toned, ab's to die for and heading South is a full-size meal just waiting to be all consumed. Confidence pours from Sam like sweat on a summer's day.  I gaze longingly, lost in the thoughts of what I would do to that man.... it's a pity his boyfriend Jeremy isn't into sharing!! Sam and I have been friends for as long as I can remember, and we've danced together for almost as long. We have been in somewhat intimate embraces so often due to dancing; I could almost give Jeremy a run for his money. But Sam is fiercely loyal to his beau, and I respect that, even if I am a wee bit jealous!

"Argh, I hate you" I mumble, finally swinging open the door to step out into the freezing winter night, a cold southerly blowing straight through from the snowy mountain valleys.  I can hear Sam chuckling to himself, knowing full well that I love him, despite his constant perky energy at any time of the day. I trudge my way to the car, the ground already getting a heavy covering of frost, thankful I wore my winter woollies and calve high boots.  Tonight, is going to be a cold one. 

As I sit in my beat-up little Mitsi, waiting for the engine to warm up I contemplate my next moves.  It's already well past ten, and with an early start I know I should head home hit the shower, then crash out for as many hours sleep as I can muster.  My body however is begging for a different plan.  I can feel the tingle building up between my legs, as so often does after I'm done dancing.  There's something about performing on stage that gets me excited, a hunger building up deep in my belly and radiating throughout my body. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel, feeling anxious about my desires, knowing full well that any option I choose except going home is going to lead to a mixture of regret and satisfaction.

I eagerly swipe open the message screen of my phone, scrolling through the contacts till I come to 'his' name, still hesitating on making my move. 'Don't do it' I think to myself, yet still find I'm typing 'are you up?' on the screen.  I hit send, before I can change my mind, then get back to my anxious tapping, a familiar tune starting to develop in the simple beat my hands make.  I don't have to wait long before that all too familiar "ding" announces the arrival of a new message.  Almost certain of the response, I quickly flick the message open reading the all too common reply 'For you babe – always '

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