37 - Deflections in the Stream

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Six weeks later

Emerson's POV

"Emerson, are you ready? I swear baby girl, you could be late to your own funeral!" Sam called out, rushing into the bedroom, an equal measure of panic and humor crossing his face.

"Lucky it's not my funeral then huh!!  Keep ya panties on, Sam, I am almost ready," I joked with him, as I sifted through one of the few jewelry cases I had left unpacked, "just trying to find the perfect necklace.  You don't want me to attend my own farewell party without the appropriate accessories, would you?"

"Bitch, don't you even think about it.  Move over and let me at them."

Leaving Sam to make an executive decision on styling, I wander over to our full length mirror to give my appearance a final once over.  We had decided to go full 'celebrity formal' party, just to give ourselves a reason to dress fancy and have a little royal treatment before making our departure.  I'd selected a full length gold v neck gown with spaghetti straps.  It was simple, yet elegant and exactly what I had wanted.  The design clung to my every curve, enhancing my small waist and accentuated my bosom.  Arden hasn't seen it yet, but I can already tell that will be his favorite feature of the gown.

Sam appears in my reflection behind me, giving me the sweetest smile, making the first tears of the night pool up in the corner of my eyes

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Sam appears in my reflection behind me, giving me the sweetest smile, making the first tears of the night pool up in the corner of my eyes.

"Em, you had better not cry baby girl, you'll ruin your look and we do not have time for that! Now, I have decided no to the necklace, but yes to drop earrings so let's get them in so we can get a wriggle on. Can't keep your prince charming waiting now can we?" Sam tucks my hair back over my shoulder and add's the earrings, with me watching the reflection the whole time, "perfect, baby girl," he announces once finished.

"Sam, what am I going to without you?" I whisper, my voice shaky as I make a desperate attempt not to crack.

"You will still have me, Em, I'll only ever be a phone call or an eight hour flight away. Always and forever, baby girl. You can't get rid of me that easy." He pulled me in for a tight hug, brushing my loosely curled hair aside in the process. Only Sam would know not to squash a woman's freshly styled hair.

"That goes for me too, so don't you forget it!" Abi sung out, gliding across the room to join in on the hug in such a way that only Abigail could.

"I am going to miss you guys so much, you know that..."

"We know, but we are so proud of Em, you found the most wonderful man and you allowed him to see the best version of you. You opened up, you welcomed the change you needed and now, you're going to be a part of a real family. You deserve this, great things will happen for you now" Abigail choked out, tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Okay, okay ladies, that's enough of that! You will have me crying soon and we can't have that! Let's get a move on, I believe our men are already on location and waiting to get the champagne flowing. Anyone one else feeling like they're getting ready to head to their school prom again?" Sam spoke, ushering us towards the door. We had opted to meet the guys there as Arden said he and Malachi had some last minute adjustments to make. Jeremy was meeting us all later as he'd be at work till nine, I'm so glad he still agreed to come along at all.

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